  • 學位論文

電子業G公司產品應用工程部門 之工作績效考評檢討及改善

A Review and Improvement of the Job Performance Evaluation System for the Product Application Engineering Department – The Case of Company G in the Electronic Industry

指導教授 : 范錚強


中文摘要 微控制器(MCU)在消費性電子產品的應用是非常普及的,應用的範圍可以是家庭、汽車、工業等市場,所以在微控制器(MCU)的產業競爭也是十分激烈,因應近期的穿戴式裝置與物聯網(IoT)產業的興起,也為微控制器(MCU)市場開創出新的應用與利基。 本論文所探討的個案公司,隸屬全球微控制器(MCU)大廠之台灣/中國代理商。此微控制器(MCU)的大廠的客戶應用族群,橫跨工業、汽車、電源/馬達/風扇及智慧家庭等;而個案公司則主推是此微控制器(MCU)大廠在台灣電源/馬達/風扇的客戶應用。在產業應用型態十分多元的情況下,個案公司擴大營業銷售與營收的主要問題是產品應用工程部門的績效一直無有效的評核方式,因此常無法即時有效地立即解決客戶問題,造成公司業務單位的客戶開拓與產品推廣亦受影響,進而錯失創造營收的先機。 個案公司為半導體代理商,主要對外部門除業務單位外,即產品應用工程(FAE)部門;半導體代理商的工作,主要著重在半導體產品的業務服務與客戶推廣,業務端主要工作在客戶的尋找與產品出貨時程控管,但產品在客戶端的應用與服務進而推廣導入,則需仰賴產品應用工程(FAE)部門的技術支援,甚至在客訴抱怨發生時,能讓客戶以最快、安心的方式繼續使用,因此為了讓客戶端能順利導入及使用代理之產品,進而創造公司績效,有效地對產品應用工程(FAE)部門的績效進行檢討與改善,能讓部門的管理更加靈活與彈性,使個案公司的業務推廣能更加順利。 論文中所研究討論即是期盼透過「組織調整、流程改善、內部計價、內部競爭」方式,透過微控制器(MCU)產業之前景及應用範圍,確認未來市場拓展之可行性,以組織調整,建立明確的工作流程及作業方式,輔以內部計價方式建立有效的績效管理制度,並創造內部競爭的組織運作,以激勵產品應用工程(FAE)部門人員,在工作上能提升效率,並配合業務單位一同面對新市場、新挑戰,以期能提個人與部門的工作績效,進而創造個案公司的績效,同時能再提升客戶的滿意服務。 關鍵字:產品應用工程(FAE)、激勵、責任中心、內部競爭。


Abstract The product application of microcontrollers (MCU) in consumer electronics is wide spread, appearing in various markets, such as smart home, automotive and industrial automation. The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) technology is also founded on MCUs. As a result, the MCU industry competition is is crowded and highly competitive. The context of this study, Company G, is a major agent for a famous global MCU manufacturer, which has customers all over various application domains, including industrial, automotive, power supply/motor/fan, smart home,etc. The primary strength of Company G is in the application of MUCs in power supply/motor/fan related products in Taiwan. A major problem for Company G in expanding its marketing and sales lies in the management of its Field Application Engineering (FAE) Department. The allocation of engineers to projects, and the performance evaluation of the engineers not only affect the performance of the department, but also result in poor customer services, which in turn limit the ability of the sales department to expand its market. Company G follows similar practice as other electronic component agents, whereby its primary customer contact is its Sales department while the Sales Department secure orders, arrange the shipping schedule, and perform other customer services,. the preliminary tasks of introducing new components, explaining technical details, and conducting technical feasibility studies has to rely on the technical support of the FAE team. In handling customers’ complains, FAE is also responsible to solve the technical problems, so that customers problems can be resolved. Thus, the FAE department plays an important role for the success of Company G. This study critically reviews the problems of the management of the FAE department and proposes managerial changes in several aspects, namely, organization restructuring, process reengineering, transfer pricing and internal competition. These will hopefully result in better personal performance by the FAE engineers, and better collaboration between the Sales and the FAE departments. This will in turn result in better customer satisfaction and more competitive business operations. Key words: Field Application Engineering (FAE), Motivation, Responsibility, Internal competition


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