  • 學位論文


he Effect of climatic change during the late Eastern Han Dynasty to Three Kingdoms - Focus on Literature

指導教授 : 王力堅


近年來,由於全球各地受到氣候變遷的衝擊,使得人們逐漸注意氣候變遷對人類社會的影響。而以往對漢末三國的研究,多集中於政治社會史方面,但若透過歷史氣候、環境史及文史互證等研究方法,便可發現──漢末三國正處於寒冷期之中,且有逐漸趨寒的情形。   值得注意的是,於漢末三國寒冷期的異常寒冷現象之後,寒、旱、澇、蝗、饑、疫便隨之出現而連年頻發。隨著災異的威脅顯現,時人則勢必有所應對。然而,自然之力或許並非人力所能及。因此,原本只是因氣候異變而互相引發的災異連環,在人文應對的好壞開始作用之後,便逐漸形成天災與人禍交互引發的無限循環,並造成大量的死亡。時人在這些異變中感受到生命的脆弱,體悟到生命之有限、死亡之緊迫,進而引發他們的遷逝感,並促使他們設法追求一己生命之延長。而這些氣候異變帶給時人的影響,不僅體現於當時的文史材料之中,更向後世展開文學及思想的各式主題。


漢末三國 氣候變遷 寒冷期 文學 環境史


This study is about the period of the late Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms. In the past, people have known this period at the sight of social-politics history. However, in recent years, people have paid attention to the effect of climatic change. And, according to the research of historical climatic, historical geography, and environmental history, we can realize that the weather of the late Eastern Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms is cold , just like ''Little Ice Age. '' So, this study is going to explain events that happened in this period at the sight of the effect of climatic change. It's worth noting that the ancients had frequently experienced drought, flood, locust, famine, plague in this cold period. Although the ancients had to face natural disasters, they didn't resolve these problems at all, and many ancients had died. It is the reason why we can feel the ancients' life-consciousness in their literature and thinking.


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