  • 學位論文


A Study on Development of Glucose Test Electrode Substrate by Using Electroless Copper and Nickel-Gold Plating

指導教授 : 蔡錫錚


從現今的醫學知識可以知道,糖尿病患者可藉由血糖量測的方式,獲知自身的血糖值,進而利用飲食、運動、藥物或施打胰島素等方式來控制體內中葡萄糖的濃度,以維持身體正常機能及生活品質。近年來由於糖尿病人口逐年上升,血糖量測儀器市場及經濟價值也隨之增大,國內也有許多廠家投入該領域。目前市面上血糖檢測儀器大多採用電化學原理,亦即利用酵素電極試片與血液中的葡萄糖反應產生電流,再透過量測電流值的大小換算出血糖值。但大部分的電極還是以石墨網版印刷方式製作,而國際主要生產廠商已有三家推出金屬電極。而經過研究與檢驗比較亦發現,金屬電極有更好的量測品質表現,是更佳的電極材料。 而本研究提出以更低成本、高品質的葡萄糖檢測電極基材製作方式,利用化學鍍銅再電鍍鎳、金的製程方式,製作出有別於其他家製程所製作出的金屬試片。其中並且提出以印刷絕緣漆方式,降低鎳、金的用量,讓所開發出來的電極成本更低。研究中亦對所製作之電極檢驗基材外觀,並依序完成掃描式電子顯微鏡表面分析、金屬電極電流峰值、驅動電壓範圍、驅動電壓與反應時間、基材加速老化及面積優化等分析工作,確認本研究所開發出來的電極基材符合ISO 15197-2013之檢驗規範


According to recent medical knowledge, diabetics still can keep in the normal daily routine via checking their blood glucose by the blood glucose meter and managing it by food control, exercise, taking the medicine or injection of insulin. These years, there are more and more blood glucose meter manufacturers in Taiwan because of booming diabetics and this potential market. The glucose test equipment uses the amperometric method which is to measure the current produced by a reaction from blood glucose and enzyme electrode specimen. Nowadays, most of the blood glucose test strips are made of screen printed carbon electrode, but the metal electrodes will have better performance than the screen printed carbon electrode after researches and experiments. So, many worldly renowned manufactures changed their test equipment in metal electrode. This thesis is to propose the new metal electrodes with cheaper cost and better quality. This test equipment is based on producing metal electrode but we add a crucial procedure, printing varnish at adequate place which can reduce using gold, nickel and the production costs. In addition, we also checked the shape, surface by scanning electron microscope, peck of working current, range of driving voltage, aging test and optimized the equipment area. After all these analyzing, this new test equipment is confirmed to meet the standard rule ISO 15197-2013.


glucose blood glucose meter metal electrode


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