  • 學位論文

泰國客家女性與客家文化推動之研究: 以泰國客家之音啟芳論壇為例

A Study of Thai Hakka woman and Hakka Culture promote: A Case Study of Thai Hakka Voice Qi-Fang Forum

指導教授 : 陳定銘




"Hakka Voice" play an ethnic media role in Thailand, ethnic media have a functions which can preserving ethnic language, culture, and against negative stereotype more than that its can be also promote dialogue and co-operation between majority group and ethnic group. This study use literature review analysis and content analysis, "Hakka Voice Qi-Fang Forum" as the basis to explore the association to promote the Thai Hakka woman and Hakka culture, as well as participation in Hakka public affairs and impact. The results found that "Qi-Fang Forum" promote Hakka culture, emphasize the contribution made by the Hakka people in Thailand. "Qi-Fang Forum" discussed the status of Hakka women in the evolution of Thailand, and Thailand Hakka women through women's associations involved in charity, forward the social charity activities.


Thai Hakka woman Hakka Culture Qi-Fang Forum


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