  • 學位論文


A Study on Faction Supervisors and Party Struggle during the mid and late Wanli Period

指導教授 : 吳振漢


萬曆十年,張居正因病辭世,朝中被箝制多年的言路逐漸趨於鬆綁。而萬曆十四年恰為神宗由勤政轉於荒怠關鍵之年,此種政怠朝荒的政治風向,造就言官以黑馬之姿由政壇崛起,並掀起了一股抨擊朝局、圍剿閣臣的輿論清議,致使萬曆中後期言官聲勢隨國勢衰敗反趨日益茁壯。 閣部因制度畸態之發展,互持之局時有所見。而言官專司糾劾、拾遺之要職,為趨權附勢、明哲保身,因而變相淪為內閣與吏部爭鬥之工具。內閣為制壓部院,不惜仗權倚勢,籠絡言官,掌握朝中輿論走向;而部院為重振職權,也拉攏科道與內閣相互較勁。閣部於權力消長過程中漸次變相為派系傾軋之風,造成黨爭之亂源。 東林與非東林為萬曆朝兩大門戶主流,東林始於顧憲成削籍回鄉後授徒講學之書院,朝野清流士人多因理念相合而與之聲氣相投。反東林派系則以齊、楚、宣、崑、浙五黨為大。因政治理念之歧異、利益之糾葛,雙方各擁科道相挺,為其巧言舌辯,干預朝政,致使派系彼此互攻爭勝,黨派時常陷入派歧、分裂之混沌局勢。 東林與各黨常憑藉言官與邸報作為政爭之利器,以此藉事生端。舉凡李三才入閣案、韓敬科場弊案、荊熊分袒事件、京官考察等朝中政治風向,皆為派系角力、聚焦之重心。黨爭之發展造成士人因誣攀蔓引而受無端波及,更甚者為對遼東邊事之危害,故萬曆朝之亡國頹勢實與士大夫黨爭休戚相關。


派系 言官 明神宗 黨爭


In the tenth year of the Wanli period, Zhang Juzheng died of illness and this led to the lifting of the ban on free speech which was suppressed for many years. The 14th year of the Wanli period witnessed a gradual decline in governance under Shenzong’s reign. The corrupt governance and political situation gave rise to the emergence of supervisors from the political arena, which created a dark horse and set off a wave of criticism against the government as well as public opinions toward officials. This resulted in an increase of supervisors along with a gradual government decline in the mid and late Wanli period. Due to the abnormal system development of the cabinet and departments, mutual control was often seen.Supervisors held important posts such as impeachment facilitators and members of the opposition. As they supported the rich and powerful, and considered their personal survival, they were mere instruments in the struggle between the cabinet and the ministry’s personal affairs officials. In order to suppress and control the departments, the cabinet took advantage of its power to manipulate supervisors as a way of influencing opinions in the court. At the same time, the departments tried to win over the supervisors so as to contend with the cabinet and regain power. The factional conflict between the cabinet and the departments gave rise to the growth and decline of power between the two sides, which then resulted in a party struggle. The Donglin group and Non-Donglin group were the two mainstream parties during the Wanli period. The Donglin group originated from the academy where Gu Xiancheng gave lectures after being dismissed from the court; noble scholars with a similar philosophy likewise joined them. The Anti-Donglin group was composed of the following parties: Qi, Chu, Xuan, Kun and Zhe. Because of conflicts in political ideas and interests, both groups convinced supervisors to debate and intervene in political affairs. As a result, different factions attacked and competed against each other, leading to a chaotic confrontation and division between different parties. The Donglin group and other parties often considered supervisors and court summons as the best tools for political struggle; this resulted in various problems. Political events such as Sancai’s appointment in the cabinet, Han Jing’s imperial exam scandal, Jingxiong’s division of power and the court officials’ inspection were the focus of factional struggle and competition. The development of party struggle gave rise to the mistreatment of scholars and even the Liaodong border crisis. Therefore, the decline and destruction of the Wanli period were closely linked to the scholars’ party struggle.




