  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


2010年光通訊產業開始自金融海嘯帶來的低迷景氣中逐漸回溫,各國政府紛紛宣告投入光纖到戶(FTTH)的寬頻網路建設,以及在新興市場經濟成長的帶動下,網路需求亦逐步升溫,引發新一波網路建設的需求,使光通訊市場在兩千年泡沫式的需求破滅後,再次看到高成長的需求,加上各項網路應用日漸多元化,光纖網路已經是高速寬頻傳輸無可取代的解決方案。 本研究透過「五力分析」探討光纖被動元件產業的競爭狀況,並且經由「SWOT分析」及運用「鑽石模型理論」來探討我國產業在國際市場的競爭優勢,再以「資源基礎理論」分析我國光纖被動元件產業中領導廠商之核心競爭力與競爭策略,藉由個案A公司的成功經驗,分析歸納出產業的關鍵成功因素。 研究結果指出,光通訊產業正處在成長期,我國廠商具有彈性生產、量產管理能力、與位居逐漸形成光通訊重要生產基地的亞太地區,有助於藉此時機擴大國際市場,擴張光通訊版圖。個案A公司藉由策略聯盟,以突破國內專業人才不足及國際化佈局不完整的困境,成功取得包括技術與市場領先地位,並且以彈性的策略運用,來因應外在環境變化之各項挑戰,及累積客戶資源、關鍵技術等核心競爭力,加上完整產品策略及資源整合調度能力,成為其成功之關鍵因素;本研究亦提出透過購併及策略聯盟進行市場擴張、積極擴產,搶佔市場成長商機、整合國內資源,擴大雲端運算設備佈局、及建構全球化技術管理,強化技術佈局等建議,供個案公司策略規劃之研擬,以成就事業的高峰,另建議政府應積極建立優質的產業環境、培養及引進人才、及提供優惠獎勵措施以協助產業發展,以期待能建立台灣成為全球光纖被動元件產業之重要樞紐,再創產業發展的新契機。


Starting in 2010, the optical communications industry is finally showing signs of overcoming the slump brought on by the global financial crisis, and many governments have announced their intention to invest in building “Fiber-To-The-Home” (FTTH) broadband internet infrastructure, and this combined with emerging markets effected by new economic growth has spurred demand for the building of a new wave of internet infrastructure. These new factors have caused the fiber optics industry to once more enjoy high demand and growth following the bursting of the demand bubble of 2000, in addition, the continuing diversification of internet applications means that fiber optic networks are a critical and inseparable component of modern high speed broadband connections. Through “five strength analysis” this research studies the status of competition in the passive fiber optics component industry. We use “SWOT analysis” as well as the “Diamond model theory” to discuss Taiwan’s competitive advantages in the international market, and finally use “Basic resource theory” to analyze the core competitiveness and competition strategies employed by Taiwanese passive fiber optics component firms, looking at the successful experiences of Company A to determine what factors contribute to success in this field of industry. Based on the results of our research, the fiber optics industry is currently experiencing a period of growth. Local firms have the advantage of flexible production, mass production management ability, and being located in Southeast Asia, in close proximity to the rapidly forming fiber optics industry’s production base. All these factors combine to help these firms increase their international market share. Case company A used strategic alliances to overcome the twin challenges of insufficient skilled domestic laborers and non-optimal globalization preparation, and successfully gained a leading technological and market edge over the competition. They were able to, through the use of flexible strategies, adapt to the challenges of changing external factors as well as gather clients, resources, critical techniques and other core competitive factors. These, combined with complete product strategies and smart resource allocation, all serve as major factors contributing to this firm’s success. We have identified factors and strategies that may help a firm to expand in the growing market, and we provide them for reference and discussion. They are as follows: A firm should use mergers and strategic partnerships to obtain a larger market share, significantly expand their operations when possible, integrate domestic resources, increase their cloud computing equipments , create a globalization management plan, improve technical preparedness and so on. In order for firms to reach their peak potential, we suggest that government work towards creating the best possible commercial environment by providing incentives to attract skilled professionals with rewards and other benefits to assist firms in their development. The hope is that Taiwan can become a world leader in the fiber optics communication industry, creating new opportunities for local firms.


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