  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蘇雅惠


企業併購是企業強化自身競爭力的捷徑,而資訊的整合是企業併購後成功的關鍵因素。諸多學者以校準觀點認為企業併購後的資訊整合策略應校準於併購策略,本研究認為資訊整合策略也應該考量(1)併購雙方資訊部門的協同合作;(2)資訊部與其他部門在整合策略上的相互配合,因此本研究將由實務觀點詮釋企業併購後的資訊整合策略。 企業併購的過程如同組織變革,組織流程與組織基礎建設都有待重新建立。本研究以Martin(1995)的企業工程(enterprise engineering)方法論為基礎發展一資訊整合策略分析架構,深入探討筆者親自領導的併購後資訊整合個案探討(1)併購企業雙方規劃資訊整合策略時的關鍵因素;(2)資訊整合策略規劃與執行的成功因素;(3)資訊系統與營運流程整合的標準化。研究結果顯示,資訊整合策略的規劃應參考其他部門的整合策略;在策略執行階段,各部門關鍵人員參與、以及資訊流程與商業流程標準化皆有助資訊整合策略的執行。另外筆者也就個人經歷整理成數則經驗法則提供給企業在進行資訊整合時的參考,以幫助企業達成資訊整合成功之目標。


M&A is one popular tool for competive advantage. IT integration is regarded as an important factor on the success of post-merger. Some authors who adopt aligment perspective argued that the IT integration stragety should align with the M&A strategy. Simultaneously, the IT intregration strategy need consider other factors, i.e. the cooperation between the ITs, and between IT and other departments. This study attempted to examine the IT integration stragety from practice. M&A is one type of organization change. It will result in the redesign of business infrastrature. This paper proposed an IT integration analysis framework based on enterprise engineering (Martin, 1995) to identify some factors which influence on (1) the planning of and (2) the execution of IT intragration strategy, and (3) the integration of IT and business functions. Two cases I responsible for were selected. As a result, in planning phase the IT intragration strategy should refer to the intragration strategy proposed by other functions. Both the key men’s participation and the standardization of IT and business process will facilitate the execution of IT integration. In addition, I offer some rule of thumb from my practice for implication.


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12. 湯火論 (2007),《企業併購後之組織變革與激勵管理活動之探討-以國泰世華銀行併購第七商業銀行為例》,碩士論文,亞洲大學國際企業學系碩士論文。
