  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


台灣產業聚落的發展,為我國生產力的主要動力來源,隨著全球化競爭與產業專業化垂直分工,物流儼然已成為現代企業的核心競爭力之一。然而近年來物流業者面臨大環境紛紛採取削價競爭的紅海策略,再加上產業客戶對於服務品質的要求與需求日益增加,對於經營者而言如何以市場為導向的企業流程再造創造價值,有效利用資源提升經營效率,進而掌握市場的先機,在營運管理上無疑是一大挑戰。 本研究之研究目的,主要探討台灣報關及運輸服務業企業流程再造的應用,深入分析個案公司的現況與再造動機,透過共識的建立與組織再造團隊的努力進行流程的重新設計,進行資訊系統應用之整合與人力資源的配置,不斷的精進流程以盼望提升顧客滿意度,取得產業競爭優勢。 本研究經由個案分析進行探究,以Kettinger於1995、1996年所提出的企業流程再造的實施步驟為基礎進行深入分析。個案公司為台灣報關及運輸服務業者的翹楚,於竹科、中科與南科三個科學園區市佔率皆高達50%以上,報關總單量方面更為全國之冠。近年來由於競爭對手削價策略,再加上國內電子產業外移,整體經營環境的劇烈變化之下,獲利逐年下滑,促使個案公司萌生企業流程再造之心,期望透過流程的重新設計將報關與運輸作業各自分離,準確評估計算報關與運輸之成本與效益,易於找出問題來源以對症下藥,及時調整績效不良之產品線,同時藉由資訊系統的整合,降低人員車輛配置的資源浪費等經營問題。 本研究藉由探討個案公司之企業流程再造過程,可綜合得到以下結論:一、企業流程再造需凝聚全體員工,形成共識,並秉持改變過去傳統思維的決心,以達到組織訂定的目標與方向;二、企業流程再造可促使組織再造團隊跨部門的合作,增加各部門間溝通與聯繫的機會;三、透過組織架構的調整,除了將不必要的流程刪除,減少資源的浪費,更可因為資源的整合,增加企業內部控制能力。


The development of Taiwan industrial clusters have been the primary driving force behind Taiwan’s productivity, following the competition brought on by globalization and the professionalization of companies. The circulation of materials itself has become a primary source of competitiveness for modern corporations. In recent years, suppliers have to face an environment of fierce price cuts in order to compete for business, combined with the ever increasing standards of customer service. How an operator uses market trends as their guide to create increased value and effectively manage their resources to increase revenues are without a doubt major managerial challenges . The goal of this research is primarily to discuss the Taiwan customs and transport service and their application in business process reengineering discover the motives that the studied companies have for engaging in reengineering and through consensus-building and organizational process redesign efforts allow us to apply information system integration and allocation of human resources, using this sophisticated process to continue to look forward to improve customer satisfaction and thus achieve industrial competitiveness. The case format for conducting research is used, based on and elaborating on the basic steps outlined in Kettinger‘s 1995, 1996 proposals for corporate workflow restructuring. The case company is a well respected Taiwanese customs and transportation company, providing over 50% of the services in the three science based industrial parks in the Hsinchu, Central and Southern areas (竹科、中科與南科), taking care of the highest amount of customs declaration cases in the entire country. Recently, due to competitors cutting their rates, and exasperated by the movement of domestic electronics companies overseas, the entire operating environment has worsened. Companies have suffered a stead annual loss of revenue, resulting in a desire for corporate restructuring in the hopes of separating their customs services from their transport services so as to get a accurate picture of the efficiency of both services, allowing any problem areas to be identified and improved upon in a timely and efficient manner, and reduce the waste resulting from the inefficiency of personnel and vehicle assignment. The findings and conclusions of our research into this company are as follows; #1, corporate restructuring needs cooperation from all employees, in order to change old habits and create a consensus towards what new direction should be taken. #2, Corporate flow restructuring creates an opportunity to restructure the various departments and involves cooperation between various teams, increasing communication and camaraderie between the different departments. #3, through organizational adjustment, it’s possible to eliminate unneeded processes, reduce waste of resources, and, due to the restructuring of resources, can improve internal control.


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