  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


隨著3G通訊網路的佈局逐漸成熟,加上終端產品製造商積極開發功能豐富之智慧型整合產品,在市場提供多元化的行動數據內容服務之下,智慧型、3G行動電話的普及已成為未來之趨勢。全球行動電話市場受到景氣好轉與新興市場需求持續成長的影響下,市場整體規模仍呈現持續成長,其中中國大陸與印度市場被認為是最具有爆發性成長潛力的區域。有鑑於此,本研究運用了行銷組合策略、SWOT分析及五力分析等方式,對中國行動電話產業及個案公司之O品牌進入中國市場之經營、行銷策略進行探討,所得結論如下: 1. 隨著各國通訊系統基礎建設升級和基礎建設的普及,行動電話用戶將會快速增長,低階智慧型行動電話將會開始出現微利化。 2. 電信運營商由於在應用程式商店的建置已遠遠落後,為重新奪回行動電話市場主導權,必會加速進行下一代行通通訊系統之網路建設,預期行動電話市場也將會再度出現洗牌之局面。 3. 台商在行動電話研發設計、銷售推廣方面應落實在地化之策略,將市場進行區隔,以尋找出利基市場。 4. 台商進入中國可朝ODM或OBM的經營策略前進,但須在兩模式中擇一經營,避免對市場造成失焦。


行動電話 經營策略 3G


With maturity of 3G communication network, consumer product manufacturers are actively developing the multi-function featured products. The smart mobile phone has become the global trend which provides a wide range of mobile data services. Because of the economic pick-up as well as the emerging market demand continues to grow, global mobile phone market is still showing continued growth. China and India is considered to be the most potential market of the region. This research draws upon Marketing Mix (4Ps), SWOT analysis and five forces analysis, etc. to analyze the Chinese mobile phone industry and how the case company entered the China market with below findings. 1. Mobile service subscribers are growing rapidly with the widespread of tele-communications infrastructures. Low-end mobile phone market will be suffered from meager profit. 2. Telecom carriers'' app store infrastructures are far behind. The speed-up of next-generation tele-communication network is leading to the market re-shuffling. 3. To find a niche market, Taiwanese corporates should focus on mobile phone''s design and development and their sales promotion to toward localization for market segment. 4. Taiwanese corporates may use ODM or OBM model to enter China market, but must choose one model at a time to prevent loss focus on the market.


Mobile Phone 3G Business Strategy


11. 楊民仰(2007),台灣行動電話製造業經營策略之研究,國立中央大學,碩士論文,2007年7月
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