  • 學位論文


The impact of business ethical issue in auto industry

指導教授 : 葉保強


在21世紀高油價的時代,汽車工業所面臨的挑戰不僅僅只限於經濟上出現的危機,2008年的金融風暴只不過是引爆汽車工業危機的導火線。消費者對於汽車工業的要求與關懷更廣於環境生態以及地球資源的使用,於是永續經營、商業倫理的概念逐漸被重視。 由於過往經營決策的疏失以及不周全,全球汽車工業在金融危機的浪潮下險些全軍覆沒,有很大的原因在於能源的選擇以及使用後的排放問題。本篇論文的研究目的便是透過商業倫理以及哲學性的理論,試圖提出經營過程中不倫理的決策,以及這樣的決策會造成甚麼影響,而對於這樣的後果又必須負擔起何種程度的責任。並且提出可行之解決方案或是概念,以期汽車工業能邁向永續經營。


Nowadays, the auto industry is not only facing a high oil price and financial crisis during 2008 but also critically evaluated how the industry utilizes natural resources and concern of nature environment by consumers. Therefore, the concepts of sustainable operation and business ethics issues are taken into account. Auto business was nearly annihilated by financial crisis during 2008, owing to incomplete consideration of global economic changes by its proprietors and stakeholders. More to the point, the lack of sustainable energy and high carbon emission rate also caused auto business faced serious challenges on moral grounds. The overall aim of this research is to carry out a critical investigation of the influence of immoral business decision in auto business, what kinds of impacts of entire business and what kinds of consequences the stakeholders should take care of as immoral business decision has been made. With the supports of many scholars state in literature review, a research strategy has planned based on many theories and existing studies. Finally, although there are some limitations and restrictions of this research, it can be denied that this study can be utilized as sources for some further studies state in conclusions.


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