  • 學位論文


Assessment of the Benefits of Carbon Reduction with Concrete Products used in Civil Engineering - The Case Study of Pavement and Construction

指導教授 : 林志棟


自工業革命以來全球經濟日益繁榮,伴隨著人口成長和科技進步,人類對於大自然環境不斷的予取予求,大量的製造溫室氣體,使得人類對於大自然的影響不再只是侷限於地表,進而擴張至地球大氣,隨著大氣的運動,將整個影響逐漸擴及全球,進而造成地球暖化,全球環境氣候造成變遷。 近十年來,工業能源效率提高,許多行業的二氧化碳強度下降,然而這一進展被全球工業生產增長大大抵銷,就目前台灣地區產業結構而言,工業對於二氧化碳貢獻度占最大宗,以關係著日常民生的土木營建產業而言,其最大宗使用的土木營建材料為混凝土產品,無論是用於一般房屋建築、高樓建築、橋梁、路面等。 本研究所指混凝土產品其範圍限定於建築、道路工程中,針對現今工程施作中常用之類型作為研究對象,包含水泥混凝土、瀝青混凝土等。依照其產品類別規則(Product-Category Rules, PCR)設定其計算範圍,從搖籃到大門(Cradle to gate)至產品產出為止進行一套二氧化碳排放評估。 研究結果指出對於混凝土產品而言,各個階段之間碳排放量計算結果皆顯示,產品生產各階段內其影響本身碳排放量之最大因素為配合設計結果之原料比例。水泥混凝土產品其對於產品碳排放量最大影響因素為產品內水泥材料之比例及其取代材料之比例;瀝青混凝土產品以整體產品碳排放量而言,再生瀝青混凝土之每噸碳排放量仍較一般瀝青混凝土少4.533 kg CO2-e。


Global economic is booming day by day since the industrial revolution. With population growth and technological progress, human make endless demands for natural environmental. Greenhouse gas is mass production, so that the impact of human activities for the natural environmental, which not only earth''s surface but also the atmosphere. With atmospheric flow, Greenhouse gas spread to the whole world result in global warming and global environmental change. In a decade, industrial energy efficiency has promoted which caused decreasing of carbon dioxide in many industries. However, this progression is countervailed by the global industrial growth. Taiwan’s industrial structure produces the most yields of carbon dioxide. For civil construction industry, the most commonly used material is concrete which used by building construction, bridge and pavement. This research focuses on the concrete product using in construction and road works, for the commonly used type in the construction works nowadays, which including cement concrete and asphalt concrete. According to Product-Category Rules (PCR) set of calculation from “Cradle to gate” to product yield evaluated carbon emissions. The result indicated that carbon emissions calculation of every stage to produce concrete product, the material ration of mix design is the main factor. For cement concrete product, the proportion of cement materials and the proportion of replacement materials are the main impact factors of carbon emissions. For asphalt concrete product, recycled asphalt concrete produce less than general asphalt 4.533 kg CO2-e per ton.


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