  • 學位論文


A Study on Categorization of Construction Claims and Management of Claim Documents for Power Plant Turnkey Contractor

指導教授 : 姚乃嘉


統包工程在履約中極易產生爭議,索賠求償案例也日漸增加。爭議產生之主要原因在於統包工程特性與傳統工程不同,因其工作範圍廣、工作項目繁雜;且於訂約時,無法將所有工作責任義務及對價性質一一澄清及明訂;再者,統包工程多以總價承攬方式概括承受,因此引發諸多問題而衍生索賠求償之爭議。導致爭議的常見因素為物價調整、工期展延、合約範疇、瑕疵改善、驗收標準、法令變更、報酬給付條件認定不同,以及估驗計價等。 本研究以統包商的角度,彙整先前興建發電廠案例之契約條款中,可作為索賠求償之依據。然因業主為契約起草人,有利於統包商之條款相對較少,故本研究亦由國際工程顧問聯盟(FIDIC)之設計採購施工(EPC)統包工程契約(銀皮書)條款中,尋求有利於統包商之相關條款,以供未來國內導向興建電廠裝置以統包模式發包時,統包商在工程之規劃、招標、施工到結案各階段考量索賠時之參考。 本研究將發電廠統包工程統包商可索賠之類型歸類為十四項,並將求償文件面向分為八項。本研究針對各種不同的索賠類型,提供所對應之求償文件,並透過專家訪談及案例分享,驗證發電廠統包工程索賠求償之實務性。本研究之成果可供後續同類型統包工程之參考,避免產生相同之錯誤,以增進利潤減少損失。


統包工程 發電廠 工程索賠


Construction disputes occur frequently and are increasing daily in turnkey (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, EPC) projects. The major reasons resulting in the disputes are the characteristics of turnkey projects that are very different from traditional projects. Turnkey projects usually have vast range of scope and are more complicated since engineering design and procurements are also included in the contract. Meanwhile, responsibilities and work scope are usually defined vaguely in the lump-sum turnkey contracts. Thus, many construction claims arise due to adjustment of prices indices, extension of time, contract scope, construction defects, standards of acceptance, change of laws, and payment conditions. This research focuses on collecting and categorizing contractual clauses of historical power plants that are advantageous to the turnkey contractor if disputes occur. Yet due to the client is the drafter of contract and there are fewer beneficial clauses for turnkey contractor, the Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects, i.e., the Silver Book, of International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) is incorporated in this research. Consequently, the major purpose of this research is to provide the turnkey contractor with a reference to claim at various stages such as planning, tendering, construction, and commissioning of a power plant project. The research classifies contractor’s construction claims into fourteen types and compensation documents into eight types for power plant turnkey projects. Corresponding necessary documents are listed for each of the construction claims. Expert interviews were also conducted to verify the validity and necessity of the documents. Results of this research provide a useful reference for turnkey contractors to avoid mistakes and to increase profits when dealing with similar projects in the future.


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