  • 學位論文


Professional Construction Management Services of study - for the planning and design stage

指導教授 : 謝定亞


民國八十七年公布之「政府採購法」中,即賦予了工程主辦機關委託專案管理服務之法源依據,而在民國九十一年公布法源「機關委託技術服務廠商評選及計費辦法」後,公共工程主辦機關爲求能達成工程順利興建之目標,紛紛聘請專業營建管理廠商提供專業服務。 專業營建管理顧問為業主之代表,且是用以要求在規劃設計各階段中,幫忙業主達成營建需求、專案目標,並使專案能依據時程之安排順利推動,雖與監造存在於專案中之性質是相同的,但是所應執行之工作卻大不相同。故專業營建管理服務範疇應因應各種不同類型之工程型態而有所調整,並且必須在具業主授權之情況下,要求專業營建管理顧問執行服務項目,使其發揮應有之功效並達服務水準的規定。在專業知識上若工程主辦機關認知不夠,對於專業營建管理顧問之工作內容並不甚瞭解,便無法給予適當之權力進行管理。 而工程生命週期中,又以工程規劃設計時期為主要階段,設計的好壞往往對工程整體的執行成效有著極大的影響,規劃設計若考慮周全,可以使往後工程得以順利地的進行。因此,如果能對於規劃設計階段投入更多且更詳盡的考量,則能降低在後續階段中,變更設計、介面無法統合等問題發生之可能性。 故本研究希望藉由目前工程實務上使用專業營建管理制度之現況,深入瞭解並進行探討與分析,以得知專業營建管理制度於工程規劃設計階段執行上產生之問題,再針對工程委託專案管理契約的部分做制度探討,以期作為委託專案管理於服務範疇上之界定,以便提升專業營建管理制度執行之成效。


專業營建管理 規劃設計 PCM


The Government Procurement Law, which became effective in 1998, allows project management be conducted by Professional Construction Management (PCM) companies in public work. Then in 2002, the government published the rule regarding "authorities commissioned a technical service and billing vendor selection approach", in order to afford public owners successful construction by hiring a PCM firm, when needed. PCM consultant in various stages of planning and design can help the owner to ensure the achievement of construction needs, project goals, and time-based arrangement. Although the concept and nature of PCM service is alike, the actual tasks would vary from project to project. As PCM services should be in responsive to various project types, they need be adjusted, and therefore the scope of PCM service must be authorized in case-by-case basis. This is the underlying factor which dictates whether the implementation of PCM will be effective and warranted. If the owner lacks knowledge of this underlying factor, or does not appreciate the need to shape the service scope on a case-by-case basis, the PCM consultant will not function as expected and the funds for this particular service is wasted. The aim of this study is to understand and analyze the current engineering practice on the use of PCM system, and in particular to investigate the present situation to that in the planning and design stage, when PCM is implemented. The relevant issues will be dealt with, in regards of the terms and conditions of the PCM service contract. The main contribution of this work is to identify the core area of PCM service, so that the owner can correctly delegate power to PCM, and then PCM can better function.


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