  • 學位論文


An interviewee’s fitness to the organization affects interviewers’ recommendation for employment with the mediating effect from ingratiation.

指導教授 : 陳春希


招募是組織為了找到合適自己公司,且又具有潛力的員工,所採取的策略和活動。也因為如此,『招募人才』成了公司人力資源管理的重要課題。企業招募到好的人才,對於企業管理層面與未來的發展都有相當大的助益。而在招募的過程中,『面試』是目前應用最廣的招募手法;面試過程不僅是企業徵選人才,求職者也可以利用面試機會來了解公司環境、公司主管個性。換句話說,在招募的過程中,能讓勞雇雙方透過面試過程來了解彼此。 因為面試過程是雙方對彼此了解的時機,因此求職者在甄選過程中所產生的知覺與反應,就成了主考官們的打分數的重要來源。求職者在甄選過程中的知覺與反應、對組織認同之契合度、以及應用逢迎討好行為來推銷自我價值等,不但會影響面試官的決策行為,同時也反映了甄選程序的情形。 本研究旨在探討應徵者個人與組織之契合度,是否以逢迎討好為中介作用,並對面試官的僱用建議產生影響,並對研究結果的管理意涵進行討論,對人力資源管理及後續研究提出建議。


Recruiting is the strategy and activity applied by organizations to find employees with potential and suitable for them. Therefore,” talent recruiting” becomes the most important issue for human resource department of a company. The recruitment of talents is substantially beneficial to future development and management level for a company. During the recruiting process,” interviews” are used most widely currently; the interview process is not only for a company to select talents but also for interviewees to understand the environment and personality of managers at a company through this opportunity. In other words, both employees and employers can understand each other through interviews during the process of recruitment. The interviewing process is an opportunity for mutual understanding so that an interviewee’s perception and response during an interview are the important references for interviewers’ evaluation. An interviewee’s perception and response, fitness to the organization and marketing self value with ingratiation not only affect interviewers’ decision behavior, but also reflects the situation in the interviewing process. The study aimed to explore whether an interviewee’s fitness to the organization affects interviewers’ recommendations for employment with the mediating effect from ingratiation. We also discussed about the management meaning of study results and made recommendations for human resource management and future studies.


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