  • 學位論文


Surface modification of porous materials and application for the adsorption of heavy metal

指導教授 : 李俊福


本研究有鑑於多孔性吸附介質孔洞大小分佈不均、比表面積不夠高,且對特定金屬無選擇性之因素。本研究透過不同改質方法,於不同水熱合成條件合成之多孔性介質表面以不同改質劑進行改質,藉此探討多孔性介質之孔洞大小、比表面積變化、表面結構之差異、官能基之鍵結量多寡與使用不同改質劑對不同重金屬 (Cu2+、Zn2+、Ag+) 選擇性吸附效果之影響。以達到找尋擁有對特定重金屬吸附能力良好之吸附介質,解決對環境有害之重金屬汙染問題。   本研究將改質前後多孔性吸附介質分別進行 ASAP、FTIR、XRD、SEM 及 EA 分析,探討不同改質參數對吸附介質特性之影響。由研究成果得知改質後 C9-106 吸附重金屬能力較改質後 C16佳。C9-106 與 C16 鍵結含有三個胺基之官能基後,吸附 Cu2+、Zn2+ 及 Ag+ 效果較鍵結氰基者佳。另外,以含三個胺基官能基及含CN官能基之改質劑改質後之 C9-106 與 C16 分別對此三種金屬之親和力:Ag+>Cu2+>Zn2+。


Two mesoporous materials, C16 and C9-106, was modified with N1-(3-Trimethoxysilylpropyl) diethylenetriamine (-3N), 3-Cyanopropyltriethoxysilane (-CN), and 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane (-1N). Finally, the removal of heavy metal (Cu2+, Zn2+ and Ag+) using modified mesoporous was investigated. The aim of the study was to discuss about pore size, surface area, structure of surface, amount of functional group and selectivity of heavy metal. The mesoporous materials are characterized by ASAP, FTIR, XRD, SEM and EA. Through the adsorption experimental results, we found that the adsorption capacity of modified C9-106 is higher than that of C16. Moreover, among the modification processes to remove Cu2+, Zn2+ and Ag+, the ability of the modified C9-106 by 3N functional silanes was better than that of others. On the other hand, the modified C16 and C9-106 by 3N and CN functional silanes removed the target heavy metal ions in the selectivity order of Ag+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+.


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