  • 學位論文


Building construction industry study of credit guarantee system

指導教授 : 謝定亞


營造業因産業特性使然,金融機構都將它歸類為高風險之産業,所以向銀行融資時,金融機構總是以欠缺抵押品、無保證人或財務報表不實為由,緊縮營造業銀根,讓它在合法取得資金管道上産生很大的困難,從<98年營造業經濟概況調查報告>中指出,有52.9%的業者都會參與公共工程,承攬公共工程就會有一筆保證金積壓於業主手中,工期均長達好幾年,又因一些因素致使工期延誤,讓一些有專業、週轉資金較不足夠的優良廠商無法提升他的業務量;另一方面工期長達2~3個月的微小型公共工程,並非像中大型工程般的估驗計價,都必須等工程全部完工才能領到工程款,讓幾個小工程同時進行的業者,造成資金週轉上相當的壓力。 信保基金具有分擔銀行放款的風險、協助擔保品不足的企業取得銀行融資,也可以根據景氣循環調整産業風險。目前我國這樣的專業機構有中小企業信用保證基金、農業信用保證基金及華僑貸款信用保證基金,尚未針對營造業設置這樣的保證機構,所以本研究即嘗試研究建構有關營造業的信用保證制度。 本研究先採用文獻回顧,對各國信用保證制度施實較優久且制度較完善之日本、韓國及美國之信保制度及國內的中小信保及農保作簡單之介紹後,從産業面、經濟面、制度面及政策面來探討營造業對信保制度之需求分析,接著對相對信保和絕對信保共五種方案進行比較分析,最後根據專家訪談及問卷訪查結果,以成本面為考量基礎,提出建構營造業信用保證制度推行之方案。


Financial institutions classify the construction industry as high risk because of its industrial characteristics. The lack of objects for mortgage, warrantor, and even unreliable financial statement are common reasons by the financial institution to reject a construction firm’s cause for loan. The survey on construction industry economy in 2009 shows that, 52.9% of practitioners took part in public works, for which they have to put down a security deposit in order to contract the bid. And this security deposit will last for years. Because of this, any competent construction firm will not be able to extend its contracted work, if financially feeble.. At the same time, small contracted work, which runs for two to three month, usually will not be awarded any progress payment until the whole work is completed. This makes small contractors even more financially burdened. Credit Guaranty Fund shares the risk of bank loans, and assists the enterprises which are in short of objects for mortgage to get the loan from the bank. It can also adjust the industrial risk in accordance to business cycle. At present, there are small-and-medium-sized credit guaranty funds, agricultural credit guaranty funds, and the overseas Chinese credit guaranty funds; but there is no such guaranty funds institution particularly for the construction industry.The ain of this study is to investigate how a proper credit guaranty system specially designed for the construction industry can be afforded. This study first conducts a literature review, and then introduces small-and-medium-sized credit guaranty fund and agricultural credit fund such as Japan, Korea, and America, which possess a functioning credit guaranty system. After that, some analyses and discussions are given to the need of credit guaranty system for construction industry based on four aspects, namely industry, economy, system and policy. A comparative analysis on the five schemes of relative credit guaranty and positive credit guaranty is also provided. In conclusion, this study proposes a practicable scheme on building credit guaranty system for construction industry, according to the results obtained from a extensive questionnaire survey and expert interviews.


23.Credit Guarantee System In JAPAN, 2009 Annual Report,2010.
