  • 學位論文


The Study on International Natural Catastrophe Insurance systems

指導教授 : 蔣偉寧 許文科


巨災風險是指由地震、颱風、洪水等不可抗力造成的,一旦發生即會引起大量保險標的受損,並對社會經濟和生命安全造成相當巨大損失的特殊風險。隨著國家社會的發展進步,巨災風險所造成的損失幅度亦不斷上升,甚至達到單藉一國之力無法承受的程度。因此世界各國紛紛建立因應天然災害的巨災保險制度,來降低巨災風險所帶來的高額損失。 反觀台灣,由於為海島型國家且位處於環太平洋火環帶上,受到菲律賓板塊及歐亞大陸板塊擠壓作用,加上緯度、季風、地形等天然環境因素影響,成為天然巨災發生頻繁的地區,地震及颱風洪水皆造成我國的重大損失,因此國人對於巨災保險漸漸凝聚共識。因此,政府為降低地震災害所造成的財物損失,並協助民眾恢復地震災後家園,因此於民國91年4月1日正式實施住宅火災及地震基本保險。 保險屬於風險管理的重要工具之一,若能妥善規劃保險制度以分散天然災害風險,將可降低政府與社會因天然災害所帶來的巨大損失,以及衍生的財政負擔。本研究藉由與其他先進國家的比較分析,了解我國地震保險制度與他國制度的差異以及問題。最後,針對我國的巨災保險制度提出相關見解。


天然巨災 巨災 巨災保險


Catastrophic risk is defined as the special risk which caused by force majeure such as earthquakes, typhoons, and floods, once occurred it may cause many damaged insurance subject matters and may bring a very great loss to the safety of wealth and life of human society. With the continuous development of the economic, the losses caused by catastrophic risk are also rising, and the loss is too heavy to afford for a country. So the countries around the world have set up a variety of catastrophe insurance systems to deal with the risks brought about by catastrophic losses. Since Taiwan is an island locates on a seismic belt of the Pacific Ocean, the extrusion of Philippine Plate and Eurasia Plate and the impact caused by the natural environment factors such as monsoon, latitude, terrain … etc. make it an area with frequently nature disaster; earthquake and the flood caused by the typhoon have severely damage property national wide, therefore, people gradually reach common consensus on catastrophe insurance. Therefore, inorder to mitigate post-earthquake loss and to help the residents to reconstruct housing, the residential fire and earthquake insurance was announced formally in April 1st, 2002. Insurance is one of the important tool on risk management, ifinsurance mechanism can be well planed to separate damage caused bycalamity, the financial burden of the government and the society causedby the earthquake and other nature disaster would be minimized. By making a comparison with other developed countries,we can understand the difference between our catastrophe insurance scheme and their catastrophe insurance system. Finally,some suggestions to modify the current catastrophe insurance scheme are drawn


5.Earthquake Commission, Annual Report 2009.
6.Natural disasters in France, Caisse Centrale de Réassurance, 2010.
8.Milli Re, Annual Report, 2009.
10.Year In Review, Insurance Council of Australia Limited, 2009.


