  • 學位論文


Color transmission image-plane disk-type multiplex holography

指導教授 : 鄭益祥


利用兩束光的干涉角度去控制全像片光柵間距,之後再利用重建光源的波長以及入射角度去控制繞射光的波長與繞射角度,藉此來製作可以重建紅光(632.8nm)、綠光(514nm)、藍光(457nm)三種波長於相同位置的觀賞視窗之全像片。 實驗部分共分成兩步驟:首先第一步驟利用「可環繞觀賞之成像面圓盤型複合全像術」的物光系統,配合設計的波長來改變物光系統與母片面的夾角,並固定物光系統之成像面的觀看影像形狀去修正LCD的擺放角度與播放的影像。再利用垂直母片的平行光分別記錄三種物光資訊在三張母片上。在第二步驟裡,先後將記錄好的母片以平行重建參考光垂直入射母片去重建出所有物光資訊,再針對母片去改變參考光發散光源位置並與物光資訊干涉且記錄在全像片上,至此製作出可重建彩色影像的全像片。觀看全像片時,只需將白光點光源放置在預先設計的重建位置,即可在設計的觀賞圓環觀看全彩影像。 本論文延續穿透式圓盤複合全像術的製作方法,先利用弱理論與電腦模擬來設計實驗架構,再模擬不同條件下對物體影像的影響並探討優化的方法。


弱理論 複合全像術 圓盤 彩色 穿透式


By controlling the interference angle between the object wave and the reference wave, we can change the grating spacing in our holographic recording. Then, we can obtain the designated wavelength and diffraction angle of the diffracted image at the suitable viewing angle under white-light source illumination. Using this method, a colored transfer hologram will be achieved by which the reconstructed image in red, green, and blue at single viewing window can be perceived by the surrounding observers. A two-step process is used in our holographic recording. First, by changing the angle between the object wave and the optical axis of object-beam system, we can make three master holograms for the corresponding wavelengths (red, green, and blue) designed for a colored holographic display. In the first-step recording, the size of object information on the image-plane is first determined, and then we can simulate the corrected image we need on the LCD plane. Then, under collimated laser-light illumination, diffracted object beams from three master holograms are retrieved to be imaged onto a single film to form a color hologram. Adopting a white-light source at the designated reconstruction source position, a color 3D image can be displayed for observers around the final hologram simultaneously. The experimental setup is designed based on the weak theory and numerical analysis with a computer. The effects of the parameters influencing the distortions of the final 3D images are also discussed in this study.


weak theory multiplex holography disk color transmission


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