  • 學位論文


A Study on the Religious Aspects of Wang Shih-chen(1526-1590AD.)

指導教授 : 吳振漢


明代王世貞宗教觀之研究 摘要 王世貞(1526-1590),蘇州府太倉州人,是明代中葉「後七子」文學復古流派的主要代表人物,也是著名的史學家和戲劇家,生平活動時間經歷嘉靖、隆慶、萬曆三朝,是明代中期重要文學流派「後七子」的代表人物和集大成者,在當時與後世影響很大。 本文個案專題的研究方式,先藉由探討王世貞的家世背景、為學與著作、仕宦歷程,以探求其性格塑成與影響心境思想的轉變之因。繼而討論王世貞以儒家為根基的思想,如何漸轉至佛道之中,影響宗教思想的轉變緣由為何?受其人生哪些經歷所影響?最終細化分析在三教合流的環境背景之下,王世貞的三教合一的宗教觀是如何形成?其中又是以何為主,是儒家?抑或道家?又抑或佛家?又有何在宗教上的主張和思想。 對成長在傳統家族文化影響下的王世貞,根深蒂固的儒家思想,造就其積極入世的精神;優渥的家經濟條件,使世貞未能體會到失意文人的窘況,且給予進入仕途的有利優勢,然因其恃才傲物的個性,使得仕途波折不斷。從世貞早年的著作,可明顯看出其以儒家思想為正統,雖對佛、道兩家多有涉獵,但此時的他對於佛、道兩教的信仰是有所貶抑的。對於王世貞的宗教觀轉變而言,嘉靖四十四年(1565)至隆慶六年(1572)這八年是較為關鍵的時期。此期間王世貞屢次上京為父訟怨、又多次患瘡瘍久治不愈,特別母親及摯友李攀龍(1514-1570)的去世更使其情緒低迷。一連串的悲痛經歷,讓王世貞轉而從佛道思想中尋求解脫之法,不同於早年的儒家積極入世的精神。 萬曆八年(1580)的「曇陽子事件」,王世貞亦牽連其中,象徵世貞走入宗教世界,由此揭開了王世貞晚年內在精神的超悟。而處於三教合一的宗教氛圍之中,王世貞的宗教觀無可避免的受此風之薰陶。從三教之爭中王世貞所執之態度、其師曇陽子(1558-1580)的思想,與來往的名僧互動情況來探析,王世貞認為三教合一的宗教信仰其最終所欲尋求的是跳出三界,可知在三教合一的信仰之中王世貞將佛教置於最高。而在宗教思想主張方面,王世貞強調「真心」的尋求,是為了突出對「頓悟」思想的重視,其求「真心」也就是求「頓悟」,以禪宗為主要的依歸。


宗教觀 三教合一 王世貞 曇陽子


A Study on the Religious Aspects of Wang Shih-chen(1526-1590AD.) Abstract Wang Shih-chen, Suzhou Taicang state person who was the mid-Ming Dynasty literary genre of the main representative personage, the well known historian and dramatist. The biography life time experienced Jiajing, Longqing Wanli three dynasties, were the Ming Dynasty intermediate stage important literary genre representatives and synthesizer, that had a great influence at the time and later generation. The methods of this case study are first discussing Wang Shih-chen’s family background, learning and writings, official career history, its character molded to explore ideas and influence mood thought transformation. Then discusses Wang Shih-chen taking the Confucianist as the foundation thought that how gradually to transfer to the Buddhism Taoism, what are the reasons impact of changes in religious thought? What life affected by their experienced? The final detailed analysis of the confluence of the three religions in the context of the environment, how the religious view which Wang Shih-chen ''s three religions unite is formed? Which one put in the first placed? Is Confucianism? Or Taoist? Or Buddhist? And what is his religious thought. To the growth under traditional family culture influence''s Wang Shih-chen, deep-rooted Confucian ideology, creating their involvement in the world of spirit; The liberal home economics condition, enables Wang Shih-chen can not understand the frustrated human predicament, and gives enters official career''s advantageous superiority, however because of its arrogant individuality, causes the official career twists and turns to be unceasing. From Wang Shih-chen ''s earlier work, we may see it obviously that he takes the Confucian thoughts as orthodoxy. Although he has studied under Buddhism, Taoism, but this time his belief in Buddhism, Taoism is somewhat belittling. Wang Shih-chen ''s religion view for the change, from Jiajing forty-four years (1565) to Longqing six years (1572), these eight years are a crucial period. During this period Wang Shih-chen goes to the capital for his father to dispute the resentment many times, and suffers the sore wound that cannot cure, special mother and good friend Li Panlong died causes its mood murky. A series of sad experience lets Wang Shih-chen turn from Buddhism Taoism in the method of seeking relief, unlike the early years of the Confucian spirit of involvement in the world. The Wanli eight year T‘an Yang - tzu event, Wang Shih-chen implicated that symbol of Shih-chen into the religious world, which opened a awareness of Wang Shih-chen inner spirit in his later years. The three religions unite is formed in the religious atmosphere, Wang Shih-chen ''s religion view was inevitably affected by this culture nurtured. From the three religions of the dispute in the execution of Wang Shih-chen attitude, his teacher T‘an Yang - tzu’s ideas, and interactions between the monk which find out Wang Shih-chen considers the three religions unite is seeking to find its ultimate religious belief in out of the three realms, we can see in the three religions unite, Wang Shih-chen placed the Buddhist faith in the highest. In the religious ideas position, Wang Shih-chen stressed 「sincerity」 seeking, is to highlight the importance of insight thinking, it looks the sincerity also looks the insight, take Zen as main belonging.


