  • 學位論文

語音辨識系統之研究及其對同步電腦教室學習 的影響

A study of Speech to Text Recognition and its Effects on Learning Performance in Synchronous Cyber Classrooms

指導教授 : 黃武元 陳年興


語音辨識系統是一種將口說演講同步轉換為文字的科技,值得探討此系統對線上學習活動的影響。本篇論文的主要目標為探討語音辨識系統如何改善線上同步電腦教室的教學和學習,並設計兩個實驗探討此系統對學生學習的影響:第一個實驗探討語音辨識系統對單向授課的影響;第二個實驗探討此系統對獨立口頭簡報和群組討論的影響。學生使用語音辨識系統的感知和行為傾向,也是這兩個實驗研究的重心。 進行第一個實驗後,實驗組學生認為語音辨識系統容易使用,並有助於完成單向授課及其附帶的家庭作業。大多數學生也表達他們有高度意願在未來將此系統作為學習工具。統計結果顯示,實驗組與控制組相較,在完成作業上有中等程度的進步。然而,某次實驗組的學生對於語音辨識系統產出的內文十分熟悉,並將此系統作為學習工具,他們在前測的表現顯著地超越控制組。受訪學生並表示語音辨識系統產出的內容對單向授課的溝通十分有益,效果如同學習期間和單向授課之後的學習。 第二個實驗的結果顯示,若比較實驗組和控制組在寫作兩個主題短文的表現,實驗組在中測和後測的表現更為優異。大多數學生認為語音辨識系統對獨立簡報和短文寫作具有助益,同時表示未來願意使用此系統學習。然而在此系統發現文字辨識正確率低和未同步呈現口說內容的學生,不認為語音辨識系統對群組討論有所裨益。同時本篇論文的研究結果顯示,語音辨識系統對學生在同步電腦教室中口頭簡報和群組討論的學習表現,有全面的提升。 本篇論文的主要貢獻為透過同步電腦教室的教學活動,使學生的學習表現和溝通能力有所進步。本篇論文同時顯示語音辨識系統對於促進學習效果、訓練策略和發展在同步電腦教室進行課中和課後學習的潛力。除此之外,本篇論文並提供未來的深入研究一些新方向:其一為在其他學習環境(例如傳統課室)運用語音辨識系統學習的潛力;另一方向為深入發展此系統的辨識技術(例如讓電腦辨識文字),以輔助學習和教學。


Speech to text recognition (STR) is a technology to translate natural language speech into text in real time. It is worth to apply STR for online learning activities and to investigate its influence on learning. The aim of this study was to apply STR in an effort to improve teaching and learning performances in an online synchronous cyber classroom environment. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of applying STR on learning performance of students; STR was applied for one-way lectures during the first experiment and for individual oral presentations and group discussions during the second experiment. Students’ perceptions and their behavioral intentions toward using STR were also investigated in both experiments. Statistical results of the first experiment showed moderate improvement in the experimental groups’ performance over the control group on homework accomplishments. However, once the students in the experimental group became familiar with the STR-generated texts and used them as learning tools, they significantly outperformed the control group students in post-test results. Interviews with participating students revealed that STR-generated texts were beneficial to communication during one-way lectures as well as to learning during and after one-way lectures. After the experiment, students from the experimental group perceived that the STR mechanism was easy to use and useful during one-way lectures as well as for homework accomplishment. Most students also expressed that they were highly motivated to use STR as a learning tool in the future. Statistical results of the second experiment revealed students of the experimental group performed significantly better compared to the control group students in two sessions of writing essays, intermediate test and post-test. Most of students perceived that STR was useful for individual presentations and for writing essays. Students also expressed they are willing to use the STR for learning in the future. However, the students who obtained transcripts with low accuracy rate and experienced delay in STR text generation did not perceive the STR as easy to use and useful for group discussions. The results of this study showed that the STR is beneficial to one-way lectures, students’ oral presentations and group discussions in a synchronous cyber classroom so as to improve their overall learning performance. The main contribution of this study is that students’ learning performance and the quality of communication during teaching and learning activities in synchronous cyber classrooms were improved. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of using STR-texts to facilitate learning. The strategies for STR training and its potential applications during and after teaching and learning activities in synchronous cyber classrooms were developed. In addition, this study contributed new research directions for further study: one direction is to study a potential of STR application for other learning environments (e.g., traditional classroom), and another direction is to research the extension of STR with similar technologies (e.g., Text to Speech Recognition) in order to support learning.


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