  • 學位論文


Hakka language studies curse curse

指導教授 : 曾燕春




震驚值 客家話 詈罵語


Curses expression is the most vivacious language in Hakka dialects, which is defined as idioms in the fixed structure of vocabulary system. Because of ambiguity of the word boundary, the classification of two-valued logic system seems inappropriate. Therefore curse expression can only be classified, in terms of continuum of shock value , into seven categories: Swearwords, ridiculing curse, criticizing curse, berating curse, imprecation and insulting curse. With its conceptual and interpersonal function, Hakka curse expression possesses surface meaning, deep meaning, semantic meaning and cultural meaning. Curse words in Hakka dialects are represented by the simple meaning, in which the concept of the words implies the deep meaning. In other words, it is the deep meaning that carries out the content, while the surface meaning is just served as a medium. Syntax affects semantics, while semantics also limits syntax. The curse expression with the same morpheme, which could be a content word or a function word, forms a group. Some curse expression with a pejorative suffix changes the syntax, in which northern retrograde structure transforms to southern anterograde fine. This distinctive characteristic provides evidence that Hakka dialects originate from the south. Language is not only the medium of culture, but also the form of it. No matter it is referent object、 pragmatic of subject or characteristic vocabulary, the cultural message that curse expression convey is a game of the language; a statement of self-existence; a fighting weapon in the verbal battle; a challenge to social taboo; a display of individual’s will power; a tool in social intercourse and a replacement to express sexual pleasure, which all reflect characteristics of a mountain tribe. Words show their meaning only when they are expressed in a sentence. Hakka people also use different syntax for curse expression, which displays the art and sophistication of the language.


hakka curse word shock vaiue



