  • 學位論文


The reserch of Miro.Casso’s digital poem

指導教授 : 李瑞騰


電腦科技對於文學的影響包含二方面:一為傳播方式上的衝擊,網際網路分散平面傳媒原有之權力,使創作者與讀者能透過螢幕發表、互動;二為創作本質上之革新,現代詩透過程式軟體,不僅只是「文字數位化」而已,更能以動態文字、影像、聲音等方式呈現,同時也可與讀者進行實際操作上的互動。 有別於平面紙媒的創作方式與觀看模式,數位詩在90年代末興起,許多習慣於平面紙媒的詩人紛紛轉往數位領域,米羅.卡索即為一例。蘇紹連在90年代中葉接觸電腦後,便以「米羅.卡索」為名活躍於電子佈告欄,並架設「FLASH超文學」網站。而米羅.卡索與蘇紹連的關係為何?平面印刷的詩作,轉化為數位詩時將如何展現?數位技術是否深化了紙媒詩作?米羅.卡索之數位詩在數位創作領域呈現何種特色?皆為本文所欲探討的議題。 本文將以「FLASH超文學」為研究範圍,從米羅.卡索之創作歷程及其數位詩創作理念起始,進一步探究在紙本詩至數位詩的轉換中,數位技術如何深化詩作,並保留詩的質素。最後論及米羅.卡索的數位詩創作特色,並兼論數位詩發展侷限與未來展望。


The influence of computer technology for literature contains two aspects: the first impact is on the spread way. Internet dispersed the power of traditional media, writers can publish pieces through the computer screen, even interactive with readers. The second part is the revolution on intrinsic quality of literature. Through the comuter software, modern poems are not only "print" on the screen, but also present by dynamic words, image, and sound. At the same time, readers can go on the interaction by press a key. Unlike traditional creation process and looking pattern, digital poetry started in the late 90s. Miro.Casso is one of the poets who used to create by pen but transferred to the digital territory. Su Shaolian actives on BBS by using the name " Miro.Casso" in 90s middle period. He also build a website which called " FLASH-hypertext literature ". In this thesis, some questios will be listed solved. What is the diffirences in creation beyween "Miro.Casso" and "Su Shaolian "? What method will Miro.Casso take by switching identical poem from paper to digital? Digital technology will deepen the print poems? What is the distinguishing characteristic in Miro.Casso poem compare to others? The thesis is based on " FLASH-hypertext literature " as the range of the search. Starting at the creation process and concept of digital poetry of Miro.Casso. Analyzing poems on the paper to digital further. Digital technology not only deepening the meaning, but also retain the quality of the poems. The last discussion is the characteristics of Miro.Casso. Besides, the thesis will point out the limit of development and prospects of digital poetry.


Digital poetry Su Shaolian Miro.Casso Modern poetry


2. Walter Benjamin著、許綺玲譯:〈機械複製時代的藝術作品〉,《迎向靈光消逝
3. 李翠瑛:〈割裂的自我——論蘇紹連詩的創作手法與生命向度〉,《國文學誌》第10期,2005年6月。
9. 李家沂,〈Techne98β:科幻.網路:專輯弁言〉,《中外文學》26卷11期,

