  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽 黃同圳


在競爭激烈與企業經營環境快速轉變的市場中,資訊系統的運用成為提昇企業競爭力的重要關鍵之一,尤其近年來製造產業不斷的提升對生產資訊的即時化及透明化的要求,使得製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System, MES)扮演著極為重要的角色。 TFT-LCD(Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display)產業,因製造流程複雜且為提升生產效能與明確掌握生產資訊,因此製造執行系統(MES)廣泛的運用於生產線上,利用電腦資訊的技術可快速的收集生產資料、進行工廠自動化監控、追蹤生產線上在製品(Work In Process, WIP)狀態。本論文使用個案研究的方式,以個案公司TFT-LCD產業模組廠為對象,探討導入製造執行系統(MES),在經歷生產線的量產運用後,陸續發現應用方面的相關問題點。依據生產製造的實際需求,診斷分析其導入MES的問題點,提出改善方案並比較改善前、後的差異,以確認系統的改善成效,進而達到縮短工時、節省人力、減少產能損失及降低不良率的效益。


In the market that enterprise''s management environment changes fast, the application of the information system becomes one of the important keys to improve enterprise''s competitiveness. Especially the constant requisition for immediate transparency of information in the recent years, make the manufacturing execution system (MES) play an extremely important role. MES is extensively applied in the production lines in order to improve production efficiency and get clear production information in the TFT-LCD (Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display) industry. Using high speed technology of the computer system, it is easy to collect the information of production and monitor the factory automation and track the on-line status of work in process (WIP). This thesis uses case study way to consider the relative problems of module factory in the TFT-LCD company. According to the actual request of manufacturing, this thesis diagnoses and analyzes the production questions after using MES system in module production lines. The thesis proposes the improvement plans and compares the benefit differences of before and after improvement actions in order to shorten man-hour, save manpower, reduce produce losses and improve the production yield.


2. 個案公司內部網站,http://www.cptt.com.tw/cptt/chinese/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23&Itemid=46,2006年
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一、 中文部分


