  • 學位論文

綠色經濟風潮下銀行業之因應對策- 以臺灣銀行為例

Strategies of the banking for responding the green economy wave-the case of BANK OF TAIWAN

指導教授 : 鄭漢鐔


全球暖化議題從初期聚焦於善盡企業社會責任的角度,到近期因各地極端氣候對人類經濟發展造成直接威脅所引起的關注,促使以訴求環境、生態資源與經濟平衡發展之「綠色經濟」成為顯學。所謂:「天氣影響景氣」,當今全球經濟活動受到氣候關鍵性影響之事實已履獲驗證,尤其在產業全球化的趨勢下,地區性的天災同樣會衝擊到全世界整體的產業供應鏈。而扮演現代經濟核心角色之金融業,在面對這股綠色經濟風潮的態度上也漸趨積極,國際金融業更已陸續提出相關對策予以回應。   臺灣雖非國際相關組織之會員國,卻處國際供應鏈及亞太地區經濟整合發展之重要樞紐。透過外部「總體環境PETS分析法」觀察,無論是基於出口貿易的「碳限制」國際法規,或考量兩岸經貿互動下大陸政府近年來在「節能環保」政策上的重視,皆彰顯當前綠色經濟新勢力在臺灣銀行業確已埋下潛在的影響力;另外,運用「波特五力分析法」瞭解臺灣銀行產業結構目前所面臨的競爭壓力來源,以勾勒出所處之環境現況,進而洞悉綠色經濟風潮所可能帶來的風險與商機。   本研究並應用「8十商業模式」分析架構探討個案銀行在面對這股綠色經濟風潮時,如何系統性地調整其既有商業模式、研擬出具體有效之因應對策。結果發現,個案銀行受到綠色元素加入的影響,促使原有「十」字四個頂點的策略目標產生了變化;為因應新局,宜調整連結頂點四條線所代表之執行對策:(1).配合政府節能減碳政策,落實以企業社會責任為核心之公司治理,將其價值關係網絡由著重經濟發展目標,轉向兼顧「經濟」與「環境」和諧永續之願景上。(2).關鍵資源之整合納入「綠色因子」作前提配置,並透過價值關係成員的團隊學習,以強化綠色新知與環境管理等專業技能。(3).納入未來收益性及環境風險性概念以建置綠色管理之價值作業流程,或以委外、併購方式有效滿足顧客對綠色金融相關產品服務之價值主張。(4).透過顧客區隔,聚焦綠色經濟市場商機,以改變獲利模式之營收成本結構 ─ 即來自利息收入之業務以控制風險為前提,並擴大無風險業務之手續費收入,以提高銀行獲利能力。


綠色經濟 銀行業 商業模式


The evolution of the global warming issues started from focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility to “Green Economy”, which asks for the balance of the ecological adaption and the resource and the economic development, because of the threat of the severe climate on the human being economic growth. Such a phenomenon proves a proverb, namely, the economical prosperity depends on the weather. Lots of evidences show that the severe weather change seriously influences the global economical activities, especially under the globalization tendency, regional natural disasters have great negative impacts on global logistics. No matter for the economical development, industial activities, or global logistics, the finance is the core power and important support for those; thefore, the international finance has aggressively proposed strategies to deal with the new arising green economic issues.   Because of the very important position of linking the international logistics and integrating the economic development of Asia pacific areas, Taiwan has a mission to follow the green wave to survive in the international society although Taiwan is not a member of the corresponding international organizations, example of UN. The outer environments also push Taiwan toward to development of green economy, which include carbon limits by international regulations on export of commercial products, energy saving and environment protection by China policies, and etc. This study uses three tools to analyze the how a bank in Taiwan to deal with the arising green economic wave, which include PETS, Michael Porter''s Five Forces Model, and 8-Cross business model. The analyzed results from PETS indicated the green economy not only has great impacts on the industrial, but also potentially influences the banks in Taiwan. By using the Michael Porter''s Five Forces Model, the source of the competitive pressure of the banks in Taiwan is identified, which depicts the present picture of the banks in Taiwan and provides the insight of potential risks and opportunities under the green economic wave.   This study applied “8-Cross business model” to overall discuss how the case bank faces to the green tendency, systematically adjusts its business model, develop specific and effective strategies for the changing economic environment in the future. The analyzed results by the model indicate that the case bank is seriously influenced by the outer green environment so that four potential candidates of the innovated strategies are proposed in the follows. Firstly, the case bank should follow energy saving and environment protection policies and run the business with the corporation social responsibility. Also, the case bank ought to change its sustainable vision from focusing only on economic goals to harmoniously balancing environmental and economic goals. Secondly, the case bank has to integrate green factors to run its business while allocating its key resource. At the same time, the case bank needs to train its value networks members by grouping learning approach to strengthen their professional technique of the green knowledge and environmental management. Thirdly, the case bank should establish green value operational processes by adopting the concepts of future benefits and environmental risks. Or the case bank could outsource or merge other companies to provide green finance products to effectively fulfill the green valuation and the needs of its customers. Finally, in order to promote the ability of making profits, the case bank ought to apply the customer segmentation strategy, focus on the opportunities of green economic markets, and change its profit and cost structure by the changed business model, with prerequisites of controlling the risk for interest income business and expanding low risk business of surcharge income.


business mode bank green economy


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黃美瑄(2015)。應用「8十商業模式」探討 觸控面板廠商競爭策略之個案分析—以H公司為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201500326
