  • 學位論文


A Case Study of E-Business Implementation Process - an Example of a Listed Company Importing HRMS and ERP System

指導教授 : 黃同圳


九十年代末期,全球政府及企業的主機及應用系統,共同性的遇到電腦程式上早期開發的漏洞~Y2K 千禧蟲 (Year 2000 Problem)的威脅,在廠商的推波助瀾下,促成許多企業於二十世紀末期,大量更換企業內的運作系統,並首次將企業資源規劃系統 (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP) 的應用,成功的塑造成企業內的流行名詞,每家企業莫不投入此新系統的導入活動中。十多年來,以上下流程串連提供企業透通資訊流的ERP系統,已經成為每家企業內商業流程運行的基本核心且必要的應用系統體系。而早期的人事作業,也逐漸轉變成人力資源的管理方向,並將過程中,諸如招募、考勤、薪資、訓練發展甚至績效等,也經由人力資源管理系統(Human Resource Management System,HRMS)的應用,落實電子化的作法。 本研究以個案研究法探討個案公司於西元2009年到2011年導入美商甲骨文(Oracle)公司的HRMS及ERP兩大系統過程,針對導入過程中發生的困難點及個案公司處理的做法,提出幾點關鍵成功因素,提供未來導入的公司進行前置準備或執行中的應對解法。關鍵成功點有六項建議結論:(ㄧ)注意專案小組的成員屬性及背景要求;(二) 導入顧問公司的遴選重要;(三)保持公司流程調整的彈性;(四)尋求高階主管的支持及持續與各級主管的溝通;(五)做好專案範圍的確認及導入時程的堅持;(六) 落實導入文件的記錄與交付。本研究特別提出落實文件的紀錄與交付能有效應對導入中的人員異動。 企業導入及正常地運行ERP及HRMS系統對公司的競爭力及管理體質有絕對的幫助,各企業都應做好導入前及進行中的準備,才不會讓專案導入過程變成企業各級成員的災難,並能在順利完成電子化後,得到更快速及正確的營運資訊,提升企業應變及判斷力,促成正向的發展。


By the end of the 1990s, the governments and enterprises worldwide are commonly encountering the threats from the Y2K bugs for their servers and applications systems as a result from the early development of computer programming. Under the incitation of the suppliers, many enterprises have massively changed their operating systems within the enterprise by the end of 20th century in addition to successfully create a prevalent term of enterprise from the application of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, driving all enterprise to commit in the implementing process of such new system. The ERP system offering information flow to enterprises using up and down stream over the past decade has become the basic core to the operation of business process within the enterprises and the necessary application systems. The early human resource operations have gradually moved towards HR-oriented management through the implementation of e-process with applications of HR management system (HRMS) , including recruitment, attendance, salary, training development, and even performance. The study applied case study to analyze the implementation of HRMS and ERP systems of Oracle to the case company between 2009 and 2011, emphasizing on the difficulties encountered in the implementation process and the handling measures taken by the case company. Several key factors to success have been proposed to provide future implementing companies with prior preparation and corresponding solutions to implementation. The study provides six recommendations for the key success factors in inclusion: (1) Pay attention to the member attributes and background requirement for the project team. (2) Importance of the screening process for implementing counseling companies. (3) Maintain flexibility in the adjustment to business process. (4) Seek for support from executives and continue to communicate with supervisors at all levels. (5) Confirm project scope and persistence in implementation schedule. (6) Carrying out the records and delivery of implementation documents. The study specifically proposes the records and delivery of implementation documents can effectively cope with the transfer of implementing staff. Business implementation and normal operation of ERP and HRMS systems will provide absolute help to the company competitiveness and management quality. All enterprises are recommended to prepare before and during the implementation so that the project implementation process will not become disasters for members of the enterprises. As a result, the companies can achieve faster and correct operational information after the success of e-business, enhancing enterprise response and judgment in the promotion of positive development.


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