

芎林鄉的地形有如葫蘆一般,它是新竹縣13鄉鎮中總面積最小的一個鄉鎮。紙寮窩是芎林鄉具有客家傳統農村風貌的劉氏單姓家族聚落。當地盛產桂竹,紙寮窩居民利用傳統手工造紙技術,以桂竹為造紙原料,生產手工竹造紙。在日治時期,日本推展「皇民化運動」,皇民化運動的主要內容中的宗教舊俗改革運動,禁止燒金銀紙,對紙寮窩的金銀紙產業產生相當大的影響。一直到新興造紙工業誕生,降低造紙成本,紙寮窩的手工造紙成本不敵機器製造低價競爭。「皇民化運動」與機器造紙,對以島內經濟型產業為主的紙寮窩紙產業,直接影響紙寮窩的銷售管道經濟來源,紙寮窩造紙業因此成了歷史名詞。 紙寮窩雖然是一個小聚落,但是紙寮窩的傳統手工造紙產業曾為新竹縣之代表性的地方產業之一。可見紙寮窩其特殊環境及歷史文化發展的過程,更可凸顯出紙寮窩傳統造紙手工地方產業的重要性及價值。經過時間的洗禮,都市計畫的規劃並沒有在此留下太多的人為建設,當地環境鮮少破壞,仍保有豐富生態資源的原貌。因此擁有豐富的自然生態環境,紙寮窩至今仍具有完整的完整竹造紙場,加上客家手工竹造紙技術和器具仍保存至今,劉姓親族都對紙寮窩地區文化特色與價值有相當高的認同。   紙寮窩聚落自民國82年底即開始規劃發展,居民陸續參與,但因意見分歧,不知如何著手,加上對法令未瞭解,因此進行速度緩慢,也暫停了數年之久。一直到行政院文化建設委員會民國96年規劃「區域性文化資產環境保存及活化計畫」,是建立在「保存」與「活化」的核心概念,並重建區域內特有的生活環境空間與歷史人文記憶。基於「紙寮窩聚落」,是一個以手工竹造紙為主的客家傳統聚落,對於客家傳統聚落的保存與延續深具意義。紙寮窩聚落因此獲得文建會的青睞,提供經費與專業團隊的協助,也因此重新燃起居民保存紙寮窩傳統手工竹造紙技藝的熱情。紙寮窩居民透過社區營造的程序,將居民生活的空間創造出原生原貌的手工竹造紙主體,參與公部門的「活動」,意在修補文化軌跡的遺忘片斷,為保存紙寮窩文化資產,讓紙寮窩聚落的「再生」變得可期。 本研究從文化資產與聚落保存之價值探討切入,深入了解該社區之歷史軌跡、文化資產現狀、生態資源盤點、居民參與現況與看法等。本研究經過實地觀察與問卷調查後,分析實地觀察和受訪者的談話,探討紙寮窩聚落利用社區營造運作模式保存聚落文化資產及居民有什麼樣的期許和盼望。以分析、歸納來產生論述之結果,並藉以制定相對應的發展策略並提出可行性之建議。期望達到紙寮窩有形與無形文化資產的保存,增強客家文化與技藝的傳承,提升居民之生活品質,達成文化內涵之提昇,促進地方觀光,讓歷史環境有持續性發展模式。讓客家文化與技藝得以代代相傳。 關鍵字:文化資產、社區總體營造、紙寮窩、聚落、客家


Abstract The shape of Cyonglin Township is like a calabash and the geographical size of it is the smallest out of 13 townships in Hsinchu County. Chih-liao-wo is a village of Liu family with Hakka traditional rural style settlement in Cyonglin Township. Since the most abundant crops are bamboos at this place, the residents in Cyonglin Township has developed traditional handmade techniques for producing handmade paper by using bamboos as the main materials. They successfully manufactured handmade paper with Makino bamboos. During the Japanese occupation, the promotion of the " The Kominka Movement ” requried religious movement on old customs reforming which prohibited the burning of gold and silver paper for the Gods and the dead. It had a great impact on the paper industry in Chih-liao-wo at that time. Not until the birth of the emerging paper industry which led the reduction on the manufacturing costs had Chih-liao-wo been washed down and fell out of its competence to the low-priced products. Therefore, the occurrence of both" The Kominka Movement"in Japanese Occupation and the machine-made paper caused the direct impact to Chih-Liao-Wo on its economy. The major contributions to its local economy by pruducing and selling handmade paper have thus been put to an end. From the time, handmade paper industry of Chih-liao-wo was no longer existed and became part of the history. Being a small settlement in HsinChu County, the traditional handmade paper industry in Chih-liao-wo has been one of the representative local industries in the Hsinchu County. Besides, we can learn Chih-liao-wo’s unique environment, history and the process of cultural development from here. Furthermore, it also highlights the importance and value of the traditional handmade paper industry. With the years rolling on, there isn’t much man-made construction left after the urban planning development. Fortunately, the local environment is rarely damaged. For this reason, Chih-liao-wo still retains the original natural appearances and abounds in ecological resources. Because of the preservation of the natural environment, Chih-liao-wo still maintains its bamboo paper fields. The Hakka handmade bamboo paper, utensils and producing techniques are still remained to present. The Liu clans have nigh recongnition of the cultural characteristics and the values of local areas. The development of Chih-liao-wo settlement has started from the end of 1993. In the beginning, the residents got involved and took part in planning. However, it had slowed down for several years due to lacking of professional knowledge and unfamiliarity with laws. Until theCouncil for Cultural Affairs carried out “Regional Cultural Assets Preservation and Revitalization Plan “in year 2007, the core concepts of conservation and revitalization have been built up. The unique living environment and history have been reconstructed hence. Since Chih-liao-wo settlement is a handmade bamboo paper-based traditional Hakka community, the preservation of traditional Hakka settlements is especially meaningful. Furthermore, Council for Cultural Affairs also provides funding with a professional team to assist the community. Thus, the great enthusiasm of traditional handmade bamboo paper among the local residents has been sprung up again. Through the processes of community manufacturing, Chih-liao-wo’s residents participate in activities of public sector and transforming their living space into the original native bamboo handmade paper manufactory. Therefore, the fragments of the cultural traces are mended and the cultural assets are preserved. the regeneration of the Chih-liao-wo settlement has also been expected for this reason. The research studies the value of cultural assets and settlement reservations and also connects them with the in-depth understanding of the history, the existing status of cultural assets, the remaining ecological resources, and the residents'' participation and views. The results of field observation and survey have been analyzed in this study to discuss the community production mode of Chih-liao-wo to preserve the cultural assets in the settlement and the expectation of the residents. The outcome of the research has been expounded through the process of analysis and induction. In addition, the suggestions for the corresponsive development strategies have also been made in order to achieve the targets of preserving both the visible and invisible cultural assets, passing down the heritage of the Hakka culture and skills, enhancing the quality of life of the local residents, uplifting the cultivation of Hakka culture, increasing tourism benefits and incomes. We believe not only the historic environment would consequently be maintained and redeveloped, the Hakka culture and craftsmanship would also be passed down from generation to generation. Keywords: Cultural Assets, Community Empowerment, Chih-liao-wo , Settlement, Hakka Ethnic Group


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