  • 學位論文


The effect of multi-touch interaction mechanism and learning style to collaborate

指導教授 : 黃武元


為了改善大尺寸觸控裝置下,因有限的手臂長度而限制探訪範圍的問題,支援大尺寸螢幕的互動技術如雨後春筍般的產生,但現存的互動技術鮮少考慮多人協作環境會造成的存取衝突問題,為了解決溝通不良所導致的需求認知落差,本研究設計給予和要求功能的互動橡皮筋,並設計中央收集區試圖幫助其請求被忽略的學習者,另外,加入拖與彈出(drag-and-pop)以及拖與回應(drag-and-response)互動技術,比較直接存取與徵求他人同意的互動模式,藉此瞭解機制對小組的成效表現之影響,接續再根據Reichmann和Grasha學習風格量表所得的測量結果,進行學習風格之集群分析,瞭解不同學習風格集群是否存在著不同的需求偏好,以及不同學習風格組合對互動成效帶來的影響。最後,藉由問卷與訪談瞭解學習者對於該平台提供的感知與互動機制看法。   本研究包含66位大學生,共22組,研究結果發現拖與彈出互動技術可幫助小組較快完成任務,中央收集區的設計可降低錯誤交換率,雖然互動橡皮筋的差異對小組任務成效影響不大,但從不同學習風格集群的角度發現仍會造成一定程度的影響。另外,從實驗中發現學習風格的組合也會影響其小組整體表現,從問卷結果可得知,學習者對多點觸控桌平台提供的感知程度成正面的態度,並對不同的互動機制給予正反兩面的看法。


On large-sized displays, users can have difficulties reaching display contents out of each user’s reach. Therefore, researchers have proposed a variety of interaction techniques to address this issue. But the existing interaction technique was mostly designed and applied for supporting individual work.   In this study we applied lots of interaction mechanisms to evaluate the effectiveness of the group''s performance. First, we use an interaction rubber band to solve the demanded problem. Second, we design a center collection area to help the students who have been ignored. Third, we use drag-and-pop and drag-and-response interaction techniques to compare the direct-accessing and ask-accessing. Moreover, we use Reichmann-Grasha learning style inventory to measure participants learning styles for cluster analysis. Finally, we collect participants’ perception through questionnaires and interviews.   The results revealed that students using drag-and-pop interaction technique took less time to complete tasks than drag-and-response interaction technique. Students have less number of exchange errors when using center collection area. Although there is no significant different between different interaction rubber band, but it can work for one of the learning style clusters. In the questionnaire and interview results, most students perceived they were aware of peer’s task progress and their status of task accomplishment, need, intention, as well as of transferring coin, its value and location due to resource collection area, rubber band and transfer animation functions.


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