  • 學位論文

探討從眾行為、凝聚力與科技接受度對虛擬社群 的使用意圖影響──以Facebook使用為例

A study combining with conformity、cohesiveness and TAM to the influence of virtual community using intension──example of Facebook

指導教授 : 洪秀婉


虛擬社群已成為現代人網路社交的重要媒介,在虛擬社群上使用者可以藉由各式各樣的功能與程式、管理個人檔案等等,在網路世界裡與人互動,能找到與彼此興趣相近的人們,凝聚成具有友好關係的團體,隨著長時間使用而形成各自的虛擬社群文化。根據調查,相當知名的虛擬社群網站─Facebook於2012年八月將突破10億的全球註冊使用人口,如此龐大的使用熱潮勢必有其吸引使用者的特性值得深入研究。 於是本研究欲找出影響虛擬社群使用者行為的關鍵因素探討。根據過去的文獻可以發現,可以用科技接受度模式來探討使用者對虛擬社群接受度的影響,此外,使用者會受到朋友圈是否使用此虛擬社群網站,進而影響接受度,因此本研究舉出「資訊性影響」與「規範性影響」進行探討。在臉書強大的功能中,其中一項功能為「社團」,社團裡的成員大多與現實生活圈雷同,探討成員之間的人際吸引力與歸屬感是否對態度或意圖造成影響。本研究設計網路問卷對經常使用虛擬社群的人口進行調查,共收回426份有效問卷,在經過統計軟體Statistica6.0進行各變數之間因果關係的分析後發現,在科技接受度模式下知覺有用性與使用意圖、知覺易用與知覺有用性有正向影響關係,但知覺易用性對使用意圖無正向關係。此外在從眾行為影響方面,規範性影響對知覺有用性、資訊性影響對知覺有用與知覺易用性都有正向的影響關係。在凝聚力方面,歸屬感對虛擬社群使用意圖有正向影響,但人際吸引力對使用意圖則無正向影響。期望本研究結果能對虛擬社群開發業者有幫助,設計出更符合使用者需求的功能或程式。


Virtual community has become a widely used online social communication tool. Online users can find others who have similar interest in virtual community and form harmonious online virtual groups. As time goes by, online virtual groups each become distinctive online culture. Based on a survey, a well-known social website ─ Facebook will gather more than 10 billion population to join. So this study wants to figure out the key influence for those virtual community users. According to the past references, researchers can use technology acceptance model (TAM) to study influence for virtual community user''s acceptances. Besides, user''s real society friendship has influence on user behavior. That is, this study includes conformity variables (informative and normative influence) to discuss the social outward influence. Among numerous functions, one of those is virtual group and group members are almost the same as real society friendship. So this study includes cohesiveness (interpersonal attraction and belongingness) to discuss the emotional aspect on user’s virtual community participation. This study designs online survey and gathers 426 effective data. By the analysis of Statistica6.0 software, this study finds under TAM framework, perceived ease of use to perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness to intention have positive influence. However, perceived ease of use doesn’t have positive impact on intension. As for conformity, normative influence to perceived usefulness, informational influence to perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, all three hypotheses have positive influence. As for cohesiveness, interpersonal attraction to intension doesn’t have positive influence. However, belongingness to intention has positive influence. At the end, this study expects the result can contribute to the virtual community developers.


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