  • 學位論文


Development of Internet speech and personal reputation protection.

指導教授 : 范懿文




Dissemination of information and made the breakthrough, and Internet penetration to enable people to voice through more convenient channels, the Internet becomes another important space to express their personal views, but also to expand the modern interpersonal relationships and life knowledge, but alsobrought some negative effects, including the improper remarks of Internet users on the network and non-conscious harmful to others to make a joke move, derived from a number of legal and ethical issues related to Users often use the nickname they hear of speech to make people ignore the medium of the Internet is in fact an open and spread a very strong, and thus overlook the user should be responsible on their own statements and actions.The purpose of this study was to explore the trade-offs between the right of reputation protection "and" freedom of speech ". Users to upload above detract from the fame thing of others or statements on the web, which form the criminal obstruction of defamation victims filed civil proceedings request reply honorary and non-property damages or the Civil Code. Virtual life has gradually become a part of real life at the same time, Internet users If you do not they hear cautious published, there will be in respect of the inappropriate remarks charges of criminal and civil responsibility, should be more cautious. Selected network of speech involved in the case of defamation and cyberbullying judgments of the study, and refer to China''s Constitution and criminal law relevant Law theory, behavior and inappropriate remarks may violate China''s laws and regulations related to criminal liability for the disorder of the network, make a in-depth discussions.


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