  • 學位論文


The Research of Righteousness Warehouse In The Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 楊宇勛


本文以宋朝義倉作為研究主題,除了追朔義倉設置的起源以外,主要探討的是,北宋義倉制度時置時廢的情況原因為何。南宋時期,常平義倉合併後的發展,以及宋朝義倉賑給與管理的變化。   正文共可分為四部份,第一部份,主要是探討隋唐時期,義倉設置的原因與發展。此外,也討論宋朝義倉始置之因與首次罷廢之因。並且對於隋、唐、宋三朝始置的情況,作一分析與比較。第二部份,針對北宋時期,義倉從時置時廢到常置化的過程進行探討。主要是透過大臣們的上奏與皇帝的態度,來討論義倉置廢之因。此外,也探討北宋義倉制度常置化後,所產生的問題。第三部份,南宋時期,可分為戰時與平時。戰時體制下,常平義倉多被挪為軍用,其功能遭到破壞,開啟日後移用的不良風氣。承平時期,常平義倉的功能逐漸轉變,除了官吏持續移用以外,義米賑糶也成為定制,賑貸次數也變多,常平義倉與省倉混雜堆放也是其特色之一。此外,南宋孝宗以後,社倉逐漸發展,宋朝三大倉儲體系已然成型,宋人對於這三種倉儲的看法,比較認同社倉,其次是常平倉,最糟的則是義倉。第四部份,主要是探討義倉平時管理的變化、災時賑給的變化,以及弊端和防弊的措施。義倉平時的管理,主要是討論義米如何徵收,存放地點的變化,以及中央至地方管理者的變化。災時的賑給,主要是討論,百姓從災時訴災到官方賑糧之間的變化,也探討賑給功能之所以轉變的原因。最後則是探討義倉的種種弊端與防弊辦法。   總而言之,透過這四部份的討論,可以得知,北宋義倉之所以時置時廢,主要是因為義倉本身具有附加稅的性質,向百姓徵收,恐有擾民之嫌。南宋常平倉與義倉合併,官吏移用嚴重,使義倉功能大打折扣。另外,義倉遠離鄉村,災荒賑給時,受惠者多是坊郭戶,鄉村戶卻不得實惠,喪失義倉的本意。


社倉 常平義倉 常平倉 義倉 宋朝 義米


The article talks about righteousness warehouse. Besides the setting origin of righteousness warehouse, discussing about the systems with setting up and abolishing of righteousness warehouse in the Northern Song Dynasty. And During Sothern Song Dynasty, the development of Chang Pingyi warehouse and the systems of giving and control of righteousness warehouse in the Song Dynasty. The article have four parts. First, discuss about the reasons of setting righteousness warehouse during Sui and Tang Dynasty. Besides, talking about the reasons of original settings and first abolishing of righteousness warehouse in the Song Dynasty. And comparing the conditions with Sui, Tang and Song Dynasty. Second, discussing about the unsettled to settled of righteousness warehouse in the Song Dynasty. Form the attitudes of monarchies’ memorial’ to emperor and emperor, discussing about the reasons of settings and abolishing of righteousness warehouse, and the questions of settled of righteousness warehouse in the Northern Song Dynasty. Third, discussing about wartime and ordinarily during the Southern Song Dynasty. During wartime, the rice in Chang Pingyi warehouse most likely appropriate to military supplies, it’s functions broken which opens the bad habit. During peace time, the functions of Chang Pingyi warehouse changed. Besides appropriating to the official, giving righteousness rice also becomes a system, and the numbers of times of giving relief the loan raises. It becomes a characteristic. After Filial piety Zong Dynasty, village granary developments well, and three warehouses have a state. People during the Song Dynasty prefer to village granary rather than often levels, the worst is righteousness warehouse. Forth, discussing the changing of management during ordinarily, the giving during famine, and ways of an abuse and preventing abuses. The management during ordinarily of righteousness warehouse, will discuss how to collect, the setting places, and the changing of managements form the center to locality. The giving during famine will discuss the changing of the common people to the official of suing the disaster, and the reasons of the giving. Final, discuss about ways of an abuse and preventing abuses. To sum up, from four parts to understand the righteousness warehouse’s conditions in the Northern Song Dynasty having additional tax. If collecting tax from the common people is not well. Combining often levels and righteousness warehouse during the Southern Song Dynasty, the official appropriate seriously, let the functions of righteousness warehouse bad. On the other hand, righteousness warehouse away from country, work place Guo better than country, losing the original meanings of righteousness warehouse.


