  • 學位論文


Study on Promoting Youth to Participate in Service Mobilization as a Part of Civilian National Defense Education in Senior High Schools

指導教授 : 謝敏捷


「安全」是一個國家生存最基本的概念,「國防」是國家安全 的基本屏障,國家要安全,全國人民就都要有國防安全的意識,要達到全民體認國家安全意識的重要,就要從全民國防教育做起,青年服勤動員讓青年學子在學生時代從全民國防教育多元教學,來強化對國防事務的參與及重視,除了貫注對全民國防教育推展的基礎認知,更應該有系統的編組、訓練、模擬實作,進一步的加以運用,藉由培養學生動員服勤技能,更進一步的體認國家社會所應負起的責任使命感,是另一種品德教育的養成。 本研究以高中職學校學生為研究對象,藉由國家法律安全層次的文獻探討,瞭解青年服勤動員是由高中職校全民國防教育的課程內涵,延伸到全民防衛動員體系機制運作,在國家遇到天然災害之重大事變,結合戶籍地的莘莘學子,發揮動員保家、保鄉、保產的基本意涵,實踐全民國防具體作為。青年服勤動員讓學生從全民國防課程教育體認到國家安全的憂患意識及全民防衛動員的重要,延伸至災害防救的支援體認愛惜生命及尊重生命的重要性,更要知福惜福,愛護珍惜地球資源。藉由訪談高中職校教官從事全民國防教育的經驗及高中職校學生的的認知,探討青年服勤動員需被重視的原因,以提供未來全民國防教育制度變革推動的重點及對本主題研究者參考。


This study is based on the concept of developing civilians’ national security awareness, which is also the fundamental objective of national defense. In order to protect the nation’s security, every civilian should understand the importance of national defense by participating in national defense education. Accordingly, during the critical stage of future exploration of careers, as students, teenagers should be encouraged to consider participating in national defense affairs through the development of a curriculum geared toward national defense education acts, which includes systematic organization, fixed training, and simulation, in order to focus on expanding their basic knowledge of national defense. By fostering military duty service skills and improving their professional abilities, students can gain a better understanding of their responsibility to the nation and society instead of merely pursuing personal fortune and fame. Hence, the moral educational goal will be achieved at the same time. Therefore, the topic of this study is senior high and vocational school students and their need for a curriculum that covers national defense education. Documentary research asserts that the goal of national defense education is to promote the idea that youth service mobilization is an extension of the civilian defense mobilizing system. This renewable approach to youth services, which includes the fundamental idea of protecting family, country, and nation, not only is useful when requesting civilian-based defense mobilization during major catastrophes, such as war and natural disasters, but is also necessary to help develop solid attitudes and substantial acts that combine local students with the nationwide defense system so that they can recognize, appreciate, and respect the importance of human lives as well as natural and environmental resources. Moreover, based on interviews conducted with military training instructors and students in senior high and vocational schools, their experience, acknowledgements, and opinions were collected with the intention of exploring the reasons for emphasizing youth service mobilization and also providing references for further research and policies for renewing the civilian national defense educational system.


3.Gray, Colin S., Strategic Studies and Public Policy: The American Experience (Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1982)
6.Synder, Glenn H., Deterrence and Defence: Toward a Theory of National Security (Princeton, N J: Princeton University Press, 1961)
8.Schelling, Thomas C., The Strategy of Conflict, (Oxford University Press, New York, 1963).


