  • 學位論文


The Effects of Collateral on the Risk of Banks

指導教授 : 王瑜琳




The global financial crisis caused by the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis since 2007 is still not over yet. Probing the causes, we will find out that the problem is depreciation of real estates which are the collaterals to secure the loans. The possibility of appreciation to the future value of collaterals makes banks choose not to monitor borrowers to make positive profit, and such of the risky attitudes cause moral hazard happened to the banks, raise the risk of banks. There is few discussions about such issue in the past. This article is based on Bester (1985) and Niinimäki (2009), probing how does collateral for the request of loan contract affects the risk of banks. The results show that besides collateral can solve the adverse selection problem caused by borrowers just like everybody knows, it also leads to moral hazard to banks themself, and raises the risk of banks. We find out that the effects of collateral to the risk of banks are various depend on the type of collateral is outside or inside, too.


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