  • 學位論文


One Behavior Counselor’s Action Research—Deal With Occasional Conflict Incidents

指導教授 : 蔡清田


研究者在實務的工作上遭遇困境,想要藉由行動研究的過程,有效處理偶發衝突事件,降低偶發衝突事件發生的頻率,且在處理的過程中,獲得學生及家長的認同與理解,可以讓學校、家長、學生都獲得滿意的結果,達成師、親、生三贏的局面。 本研究主要探究的問題有以下四個: 一、透過情境分析,瞭解研究者所遭遇的困境與省思為何? 二、研擬處理偶發衝突事件之行動方案與省思為何? 三、實施偶發衝突事件處理流程之行動方案與省思為何? 四、評鑑偶發衝突事件處理流程之行動方案實施成效與省思為何? 本研究的研究結論如下: 一、情境分析歷程中,研究者所遭遇的困境與省思:研究情境的觀察是行動研究的根基,有助於行動研究的進行、透過研究情境的分析可建構學校之教育願景,規劃、設計適當的行動方案、根據研究者的分析,有助於釐清研究者本身的優劣勢,有助於思考實務工作的核心價值。 二、研擬處理偶發衝突事件之行動方案與省思:研擬方案的過程有助於實務工作與文獻對話,提升教師專業知能、協同伙伴之專業對話,有助於精進行動方案之研擬、回顧自身的經驗,讓行動方案更具可行性。 三、實施偶發衝突事件處理流程之行動方案與省思:實施歷程有助於與老師培養處理學生衝突事件之默契、凸顯處理偶發衝突事件之關鍵要點,進行省思、經歷過省思,有利於偶發衝突處理機制的再次啟動。 四、評鑑偶發衝突事件處理流程之行動方案實施成效與省思:行動方案是具備可行性的及執行行動方案後對於老師、學生、家長及研究者都是有正面的影響、行動方案的評鑑能提升生教組長的專業成長、家長回饋的機制難以建立,需要從導師與家長的基本關係著手、學生的內心想法難以觀察,需要用長期經營之策略。


The researcher who encountered difficulties in practical works wants to deal with occasional conflicts effectively and to decrease the frequency of them by involving in the process of the action research. In addition, the researcher gets agreement and understanding from students and parents during the process and leads to a satisfying result for the school, parents and students. This research mainly studies the following four objects: 1. To understand what difficulties occur and what the reflection will be by analyzing the situation. 2. To make acting plans for one occasional conflict and to view the reflection. 3. To carry out and examine the acting plans of the occasional conflict. 4. To evaluate the acting plans of the occasional conflict and to observe its reflection. The conclusions of the research are: 1. Understanding the difficulties and the reflection during the process of analysis: It is the base of an action research to study the observation of the situation. It helps the proceeding of the research. Analyzing the study of the situation constructs educational prospect of school. Making suitable acting plans based on the researcher’s analysis does good for the researcher to clarify his/her advantage and disadvantage; in addition, it helps the researcher think carefully about the core value of practicing works. 2. Making acting plans for one occasional conflict and viewing the reflection: The process of making acting plans contributes to practical works and records; it also improves teachers’ professional knowledge which makes more possibilities of plans, and the professional knowledge includes team-works, abilities of making plans and experiences recollection. 3. Carrying out and examine the acting plans of the occasional conflict: This process helps teachers have the same chemistry on dealing with students’ occasional conflicts, and reveals some crucial points. Furthermore, the reflection of the process contributes the procedure of the next occasional conflict. 4. Evaluating the acting plans of the occasional conflict and observing its reflection: Acting plans are feasible and positively influence on teachers, students, parents and researchers. The evaluation of acting plans enhances a behavior counselor’s professionalism. It is difficult to build a parental feedback mechanism and that’s why it takes a very long time to build a friendly relationship between home teachers and parents and to be aware of students’ mind.


