  • 學位論文


A Study on the Factors Influencing Intention to Use Tablet PC

指導教授 : 阮金聲


平板電腦的誕生,對於消費性電子市場的衝擊非常巨大且震撼,2010年,蘋果電腦推出名為iPad的平板電腦,也由於平板電腦獲得消費者熱烈的迴響及良好的接受度,可以確定宣告平板電腦的時代已經正式來臨。 本研究試圖以科技接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model;TAM)為基礎,另外,再加入相容性、認知有趣性、認知美感等變數,分析出這些因素如何影響使用者的使用態度及使用意向,設計一個新的混合科技接受模型。希望協助平板電腦製造商及經銷商在後續的產品改良與行銷手法上,更能符合消費者的需求與期待,達成有效競爭之目的。 本研究對象為具有使用平板電腦經驗低於半年之使用者,有效樣本數為534份,以SPSS18.0以及Amos18.0進行資料分析,分別為敘述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、並以結構方程模式(SEM)分析研究架構路徑因果關係及解釋力,研究結果如下: 一、使用者對於平板電腦的相容性、認知易用性正向影響其認知有用性。 二、使用者對於平板電腦的認知有用性、認知有趣性正向影響其使用態度。 三、使用者對於平板電腦的認知美感、使用態度正向影響其使用意向。


The birth of the Tablet PC has greatly influenced the consumer electronics market. Apple Inc. released its revolutionary Tablet PC, iPad, in 2010 to unveil the Tablet PC era. This study, incorporating compatibility, perceived playfulness, and perceived aesthetics into Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), attempted to identify the factors influencing users’ attitude towards and intention of using Tablet PC. The model was examined with data collected from a survey of 534 users who had experienced Tablet PCs less than 6 months. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Compatibility and perceived ease of use had positive impacts on perceived usefulness. 2. Perceived usefulness and perceived playfulness had positive impacts on attitude. 3. Perceived aesthetics and Attitude had positive impacts on Intention. Keywords: Tablet PC, Technology Acceptance Model, Compatibility, Perceived Playfulness, Perceived Aesthetics.


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