  • 學位論文


Dual Consumption, Multiple Pleasures: A Study on Cross-media Experiential Pleasure of Knowing Audiences Seeing a Film Adapted from Novel.

指導教授 : 李政忠


數位科技使得媒體內容更容易於各種媒體形式和平台間轉換與再包裝,因此娛樂產業也漸漸發展出「跨媒體品牌」的商業操作思維。其中最常見的媒介內容再利用/延伸的方式即是將小說改編成電影。然而,國內對閱聽人消費「跨媒體改編文本」此種雙重媒介/文本的消費行為討論甚少,因此本研究聚焦於「已看過小說,再消費改編電影」的知情閱聽人群體進行討論。 本研究選取《哈利波特7:死神的聖物I &Ⅱ》、《暮光之城》系列電影、《告白》、《挪威的森林》、《殺手歐陽盆栽》、《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》等六部改編電影為案例,透過六場焦點團體訪談與PTT網路文本資料,對知情閱聽人跨媒體/文本消費的日常消費脈絡與涉入情形進行分析,並描繪其消費改編電影的愉悅經驗。 研究發現,知情閱聽人消費改編電影的動機來自對電影敘事中「未知」部分的好奇、對「已知」部分的再經驗,以及追求「完全娛樂」的體驗。在涉入情形方面,知情閱聽人在觀影時與電影的情感、認知性導向互動,及觀影後產生的行為性導向互動、批判性反思皆有別於不知情閱聽人,是一種將小說和電影二文本相互重疊比較,以互文/互媒方式解讀電影的接收模式。 在閱聽人的雙重媒介消費行為討論中,本研究發現原著小說和改編電影之間的商業互文關係,的確對閱聽人消費意圖與脈絡有極大的影響力。在愉悅經驗方面,本研究提出雙重媒介/文本消費下的四種愉悅經驗類型,分別是「感官性愉悅」、「情感性愉悅」、「認知性愉悅」與「完全娛樂體驗的愉悅」。相較於不知情閱聽人,知情閱聽人觀賞改編電影的樂趣,是一種加乘性的愉悅感受。 綜合各研究面向的討論,本研究發現在完全娛樂的規則下,吸引知情閱聽人消費改編電影的動機,不僅僅是來自於尋求媒體文本帶來的感官、敘事滿足,更是尋求消費過程中情緒喚起、互文/互媒解讀、完全娛樂體驗所帶來的滿足。本研究也證實到接觸多重媒體文本的消費者,會較單一文本經驗者獲得更多不同的體驗及愉悅感受。


改編 跨媒體 知情閱聽人 涉入 互文 互媒 愉悅


Digital technologies are making content repackaged, remediated, and redistributed more easily across all kinds of media platforms. Therefore, adaptation of novels into films has been one of the most often used “cross-media branding” strategies by the entertainment industry as part of the development of an entertainment franchise. This study aims to explore media consumption behavior, the state of involvement and experiential pleasures by focusing on “knowing audiences” who have read the novel upon which the film is based before they see the film. Through focus group interviews with knowing audiences, and text analysis of film reviews by knowing audiences, this study shows that knowing audiences experience with the film adaptations quite differently from unknowing audiences. The findings indicate that the motivations of knowing audiences are: curiosity about the ‘unknown’ part in the film narrative, re-experiencing the ‘known’ part in the film narrative, and pursuit of a ‘total entertainment’ experience. In terms of involvement in the viewing process, knowing audiences tend to always engage with more than one text (i.e., the novel and the film), and use intertextuality and intermediality to interpret the film. Regarding the consumer behavior of dual media form/ text consumption, this study finds out that the intertextual relationship between novels and film adaptations has a great influence on consumer intention and context of consumption. This thesis classifies the experiential pleasures of knowing audiences into four categories: pleasure of senses, affective pleasures, cognitive pleasures, and pleasures of total entertainment experience. In addition, these “multiplicative” pleasures mainly come from the dual-text experiences that are not present in the film-viewing by the unknowing audiences. In conclusion, the motivations of knowing audience to see a novel-based film not only come from seeking the gratifications of senses and narrative, but also from the emotional arousal, intertextual/ intermedial pleasures, and total entertainment of consumption process. Furthermore, audiences experiencing multiple media texts tend to acquire different pleasures from those who only experience one media text.




