  • 學位論文


The Feasibility Study on the Social Issue of the Homeless and Empowerment Advocacy

指導教授 : 林明傑


本研究是透過文獻資料先瞭解他們會製造那些社會問題及他們會面對那些社會問題,根據文獻資料,他們會面對到的社會問題大致上可分為就業、健康醫療、住宅以及社區照顧等相關問題,然後進一步針對這些社會問題,利用質性訪談高雄地區九位遊民服務工作者,藉此瞭解與比較是否還有更深一層的問題。另外因應這些問題時,遊民的充權及倡導是否可行?從問題中尋找答案,以協助遊民與社會的相連結。 本研究主要發現有以下幾點:首先他們會製造的社會問題,有環境髒亂、酗酒鬧事及製造社會不安。而他們所面對的社會問題在就業方面「遊民就業大不易,各種因素環相扣」,健康醫療方面「遊民俱欠健保費,藥癮酒癮難戒斷」,住宅方面「没房主因没收入,公園空屋是我家」,社區照顧方面「鄰里左右俱排斥,社區服務搏認同」。至於遊民充權和倡導方面的可行性,只有十四個字可形容,那就是「遊民充權尚可為,倡導只是困難多」。 最後,本研究提出以下建議:各地資源不一樣,政府應該統籌來規劃。遊民住宅社區化,回歸社會兼充權。就業成效不太高,專人專訓有保障。衛生宣導要加強,藥癮酒癮須強制。


倡導 充權 遊民 社會問題


This study was to get a grip on those social issues they created and those social issues they might encounter by way of the literature data. In accordance with the literature data, the social issues they would encounter were basically categorized as obtaining employment, health care, housing, and community care and other relevant issues, and then further addressed these social issues by making use of the nine homeless service workers from the Kaohsiung area through the qualitative interview method, to get things square and make comparison of whether there were deeper issues. In addition, would it be available that the empowerment and advocacy of the homeless were feasible in coping with these issues? Find the answers to the questions so as to assist the homeless in connecting with the society. The major findings of this study were stated as follows: First of all, they would make social problems such as messy environment, getting drunk and rowdy, and creating social turmoil. However, the social problems they encountered in the obtaining employment aspect, “the homeless were hard to get a job since various factors were connected to each other;” in the health care aspect, “the homeless all owed the National Health Insurance fees to the government and their drugs and alcohol abuses were hard to withdrawal;” in the housing aspect, “the homeless did not have a house to live in for the main reason that they have no income and regard the vacant possession in the park as their home;” in the community care aspect, “the neighbors all rejected the homeless and the community service drew attention for public recognition.” As to the feasibility of the homeless empowerment and advocacy, there were only fourteen words to describe it; that is, “the homeless empowerment is still available; yet, it is just hard to make the advocacy work out.” Last but not least, this study proposed the following suggestion that: the government shall draw an overall planning since each location has different resources. The homeless housing shall be community-based and be returned to the society as the empowerment use. The employment performance was not too high and there were experts to do the training that was well-secured. The health advocacy was required to be strengthened and the drug and alcohol abuses were required to be coerced.


Advocacy Empowerment Social Issues The homeless


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