  • 學位論文


North Korean nuclear crisis in Sino-US power struggle

指導教授 : 趙文志 博士


朝鮮半島(Korean Peninsula)和中國是共同位於東北亞(Northeast Asia)及亞太地區(Asia Pacific)地緣政治(geopolitics)上,從過去歷史發展,朝鮮半島地理位置對中國政治、軍事具有極為重要的戰略價值。北韓核武問題不僅影響兩韓之間關係發展,以及各自國家安全之運作,甚至衝擊中國在東北亞地區的國家利益(national interest),及未來中國國家權力之提昇。 長久以來,朝鮮半島一直是中國與日本、美國之間利益衝突交匯處。2002年10月第二次北韓核武危機爆發,中國在這次危機扮演關鍵協調者角色,透過對話、談判的外交手段化解衝突,維持東北亞區域安全,以確保中國在朝鮮半島經濟利益受到保障。中國在這次危機中對北韓的立場有所變化,反映出其國家利益和外交政策產生重大轉變。主要是現階段中國在積極尋求國內經濟發展,希望一個和平穩定的周邊環境,以及南韓資金對中國投資占了一定的比例。因此,讓中國必須改變以往對朝鮮半島之態度。另一方面,中國也會藉由處理朝鮮問題的「六方會談」之運作,來擴展國家之影響力,並改善其國際形象。但是朝鮮半島情勢的發展,也會影響到大國之間權力的消長。美國會藉由朝鮮半島問題,將其影響力深入東亞地區,並進一步鞏固與日本、南韓之間同盟關係,來牽制中國國家權力之提升。本文將從新現實主義的學理觀點,探討朝鮮半島問題與中國國家權力發展之連帶關係,以及如何從中確保國家權力提升不受影響。最後,將會追蹤北韓核武危機是否會讓美國藉機牽制中國崛起,導致中國與美國產生權力上之衝突。


The Korean peninsula and is common in Northeast Asia and Asia-Pacific region, geopolitical, from the past historical development, the Korean Peninsula has an extremely important location of China’s political, militarystrategic value. North Korea’s nuclear issue is not only affect the development of relations between the two Koreas, as well as the operation of their own national security, and even the impact of China’s national interests in Northeast Asia (national interest), and state power in the future upgrade. A long time, the Korean Peninsula has been a conflict of interest interchange between China and Japan, the United States. The second North Korean nuclear crisis in October 2002, the Chinese play a key coordination role in the crisis through dialogue, negotiation and diplomatic means to resolve conflict and maintain the Northeast Asian security, to ensure that China’s economic interests on the Korean Peninsula are protected. China are subject to change North Korea’s position in the crisis, reflecting its national interests and foreign policy have a significant change. This stage, China actively seeking domestic economic development, and hope that a peaceful and stable surrounding environment, as well as South Korea’s capital investment in China accounted for a certain proportion. Therefore, China must change the attitude of the past, the Korean Peninsula. On the other hand, China will by the operation of the Six-party talks, dealing with the North Korean issue to extend the influence of the country and improve its international image. But the development of the situation on the Korean Peninsula will also affect to the ebb and flow of power between the major powers. The United States by the Korean Peninsula issue, the influence of depth in East Asia, and further consolidate the alliance between Japan, South Korea, to contain the enhancement of state power. This article from the theoretical perspective of neo-realism, to explore the joint relationship of the Korean Peninsula issue with the Chinese state power development, and how to ensure that state power upgrade will not be affected. Finally, it will track the North Korean nuclear crisis is to let the United States took the opportunity to contain the rise of China, leading China and the United States to produce power on the conflict.


李明,「天安艦沉沒事件牽動東北亞國際政治」,海峽評論,第235期(2010年7 月),頁16~18。
