  • 學位論文


Application of Situational Crime Prevention Strategies to Explore the Wall-Free Campus Security - a High School in Chiayi County

指導教授 : 鄭瑞隆


摘 要 牆要不要?學校、家長與社區,兩樣情。 本研究藉著情境犯罪預防策略探討無圍牆校園,檢視不安全之空間與管理,以建立校園空間之犯罪預防意識,確保無圍牆之校園安全。並能提供日後各級單位在建構無圍牆、或開放式校園時,對無圍牆之校園安全議題時,能給予相關之參考,並有見微知著之效益。本研究採用質性研究法,以「半結構」(semi-structured)分層立意抽樣、深度訪談為主要資料蒐集方法;藉由「現象學內容分析」(phenomenological content analysis)方法,逐一加以歸納分析,輔以「參與觀察」之記錄,蒐集其校安有關之文件,以檢核和增強研究資料。 本研究獲致以下的結論: 一、本研究學校其無圍牆校園,整體安全感度高;宿舍、圖書館出入口的通道管制良好;社區有守望相助的精神,巡守隊組織健全;課外時將窗簾向上拉起,能有效強化自然監控;教育宣導與講座具有潛移默化之精神。 二、S校對新裝置之保全系統尚未評估其效能、廁所警報發報、監測位置是個缺失;流浪狗流竄、菜市場的髒亂,對學校是另一種「破窗」式的威脅。 三、校園學生主要活動動線之夜間照明有待加強;師生對於陌生人到校不會主動去詢問,有安全上疑慮,此舉缺乏「防衛空間」勇於舉證之作為,可能引起犯罪之發生。 四、監視器解析度、裝置位置以及角度不佳,應予以汰換或調整;保全人員素質參差不齊,恐影響正式監控的效益。 五、無法適度隱藏或移除目標物,亦與日常活動理論相符,並與理性選擇理論相關,對竊盜犯而言,這是一個有利可圖且不易被逮捕之犯罪。 依據前述結論,本研究提出幾項建議: 一、對本研究S校之建議 (一)宜儘速評估2012年新簽約的保全公司其系統效能,以增進通道管制之效能。警報系統其求救發報聲響,宜盡速移至有人看守、監聽之位置或是保全人員值勤室(守衛室)。 (二)建議教師宜配戴識別證,學生穿著制服,以明確辨識陌生人,避免匿名化之危險,並有效轉移潛在犯罪人,增進職員協助監控的效益。 (三)學生主要活動區域、路線之照明,宜儘速改善,以強化校園自然監控,形塑開闊視野可眺望及穿透且可逃脫之空間,來確保師生校園安全。 (四)監視器設置宜立即檢討其裝置位置與解析度等缺失並予以改進;總務處宜請保全公司加強訓練保全人員服務態度與觀念,並檢討、評估對S校之實質效益,才能有效強化正式監控之效益。 (五)各教學區之出入口,應設置門禁通道管制,以過濾篩選進入學習空間之人員,以避免有危安之人物出現在教室或辦公室,危及師生與校園之安全,以增強校園犯罪之阻力。 二、對社區之建議:儘速規劃菜市場遷移以及協助S校處理流浪狗之對策:建議鄉公所妥善規劃此兩案,以消除S校周邊或校園之亂象,回復環境整潔美觀,移除校園破窗現象,以回復其校園教育、建築與美學艷遇之意象,使校園更有安全感。 三、對教育主管機關之建議 (一)增編犯罪者風險之預算:主管單位宜對S校編列足夠預算,以強化各項硬體或軟體,例如在S校教學區域主要出入口,設置通道管制之預算,以增強校園犯罪預防技術,增加犯罪者被捕之風險,以使校園更安全。 (二)增設校安人員,以落實校園安全巡查,以有效強化校園之正式監控,維護校園安全。 四、對政府其他主管機關之建議: (一)政府機關應協助監督保全業者品質、人員;在派送保全人員至各校服務時,應嚴格篩選,以維護校園師生之安全為優先考量。 (二)政府宜提倡全民品格再教育運動,以使整個社會觀念、態度改變,彰顯家庭功能,才能有效對校園安全工作順利推展。 關鍵詞:無圍牆校園、校園安全、犯罪預防、情境犯罪預防


Abstract Does campus need walls? Schools, parents and communities think differently. Based on “Situational Crime Prevention” strategies, the research focuses on School without Walls (SWW). Scrutinizing unsafe space and management, the research expects to build awareness on preventing crimes on campus and therefore ensure the security of SWW. It is expected that the research can serve as a reference for future discussions on borderless campuses and/or open campuses and their security concerns. This research adopts qualitative research methodology, with “semi-structured” sample hierarchically and interview collect method for main materials; By “Phenomenological content analysis”, summing up to analyze one by one, Complement it with the record that participate in observing, collect the camps security documents, to look over and strengthen the research materials. This research obtains the following conclusions: The lighting around where students activities are held at night and passages, the surveillance system, the patrol route, the movement of stray dogs, the waste from a nearby market, the potential danger lurking in accessible restrooms and the lack of self disciplines of certain residents in the neighborhood are all problems that need to be assessed, coordinated and solved. 1.The school is question is wall-free. In general, the campus maintains a high level of security. School properties and passages should be fortified. Entrances to dormitories and library should be patrolled. Natural surveillance can be improved by lifting curtains when students leave classrooms or every evening after school hours. 2.The school in question should have assessed the performances of the new security system that was recently installed and the restroom surveillance and alert system. The rampancy of stray dogs and the unorganized traditional markets by the campus pose a threat according to the Broken Window theory. 3.Night lighting should be improved. Campus security is compromised as all faculty members and students do not have the habit of asking strangers for identities. The school in question does not have an effective solution to reducing anonymity. 4.The resolution, location and angle of the monitor are poor. They should be replaced or adjusted; the uneven qualities of security personnel directly affect the normal monitoring benefits. 5.Public properties can be identified easily. Personal electronic devices should be better protected. Repair damaged public properties as soon as possible to prevent the image of disorder that encourages potential crimes, according to the Broken Window theory. Based on these conclusions, the research puts forward the following suggestions: 1.For the school in question: a.Security guards need more training on their service attitude and mindset as well as evaluation. These approaches are crucial to the effects and performance of surveillance. b.For the identification of strangers and avoiding the danger of anonymity, the teachers should wear identification cards, and the students should wear uniforms. c.The lightings for the areas and passages where students are presents should be improved at the shortest time possible. d.The location and resolution of the surveillance system should be improved. e.Set access control at the main entrances of the education areas for increasing crime efforts. 2.For the neighborhood and local administrative center: The local administrative center is suggested to provide moral education with residents; the relocation schedule of the traditional market should be confirmed as soon as possible; stray dog issue should be coordinated with the school. To promote the campus and its surrounding environment clean and beautiful, and remove the “broken windows phenomenon”. 3.For education departments: a.Sufficient budgets should be allocated to SWW to enhance the hardware and software that contribute to campus security. b.More security guards are required to patrol around the campus and fulfill other responsibilities. 4.For the government: a.Relevant government agencies should assist in the oversight of the quality of security company and personnel. Before Sending security personnel to the schools, should be strictly screened. b.In order to effectively smooth implementation of the campus security, government should advocate the people's character re-education so that social concepts and attitude can change. Schools and families need to establish good communication in the same level, to be effective on the smooth implementation of campus safety at work. Keywords:School without Walls (SWW)、Campus Security、Crime Prevention 、Situational Crime Prevention




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