  • 學位論文


A Study of The Impact of OCAs and IT Competencies on Business Performance

指導教授 : 洪為璽


本研究對象以台灣高科技產業所為主,共分為兩階段進行,第一階段尋找高科技產業之組織關鍵活動,組織關鍵活動為「組織最優先考慮、投入大量資源,並得到高階管理者經常性的監控及指導,被組織視為短、中、長期成功不可缺,所必須執行的活動」。本研究參考過去之問卷,共整理出研究發展、行銷、生產製造等三大類組織關鍵活動構面,以及12個高科技產業的組織關鍵活動,以建構AHP問卷。 第二階段進行問卷調查,問卷共分三部份:高科技產業組織關鍵活動(OCAs)、資訊科技能力(Information Technology Capabilities)以及企業績效,共蒐集137間高科技產業公司,372份問卷,回收後採用共變異連結觀點 (Fit as Covariation)進行驗證,探討高科技產業組織關鍵活動與資訊科技能力之間是否存在著連結。研究結果顯示高科技產業組織關鍵活動與資訊科技能力確實存在連結,並且對企業績效有顯著的影響。面對現今競爭激烈的環境,期望本研究能夠提供企業高階主管在擬訂策略或實施重要活動時有個依據,在有限的資源之下,將資源投資正確的高科技產業組織關鍵活動,幫助組織邁向成功。


This study focuses on the High-Tech Industry in Taiwan, and the research is divided into two phases. First, it tried to identify the organizational critical activities (OCAs) of High-Tech Industry. The OCA is defined here as “the activity with highest priority for the organization to be consdidered and the organization is willing to invest significant amount of resources on it. The OCA is a must for conducting and considered as critical to an organization's short-, midum-, and long-term successes. This study adopted the OCAs elicited in the past research and categorize 12 OCAs of the High-Tech Industry into: research and development, marketing, and manufacturing which were used to develop an AHP questionnaire. Second, this study surveyed 137 companies in High-Tech Industry in Taiwan, and received 372 questionnaires in total. The questionnaire is divided into three parts OCAs, Information Technology Capabilities, and Business Performance. Based on the alignment concept fit as covariation, this study tried to investigate whether the alignment between High-Tech Industry OCAs and information technology capabilities exists. The results show that the alignment does exist, and it does impact on the business performance. As the environment of High-Tech Industry in Taiwan has become extremely competitive, this study expects that the result of the research can assist those businesses a better operation in High-Tech Industry, and help the executives to make a quality decision on investing resources on OCAs in order to achieve future success.


楊和炳 (2003),科技管理,台北:五南。
