  • 學位論文


Study of the Process on Promoting Community Consciousness of Students after Participating in Association Activity Curriculum of Community University:A case study of the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University in Tainan City

指導教授 : 張菀珍


本研究旨在探討社團活動課程推動學員社區意識歷程之研究,本研究採個案研究法,透過質性研究,文件分析、針對九位學員、社團教師及社大行政人員進行半結構式訪談和活動課程觀察紀錄分析。本研究的目的如下: 一、探討曾文社區大學生態研習社學員的學習動機。 二、分析曾文社區大學生態研習社推動社區意識的重要影響事件。 三、討論曾文社區大學生態研習社學員社區意識培養歷程及其促進、阻礙因素。 四、探究曾文社區大學生態研習社學員繼續學習的原因與社團困境。 本研究經資料分析獲得以下結論: 一、曾文社區大學生態研習社學員參與生態社的學習動機以個人求知興趣居首,參與社團學習的社區服 務動機比率偏低,明顯與社團初創理念有落差。 二、曾文社區大學生態研習社採用彈性的教學、多元化的課程活動規劃、社區生態調查,並積極參與社區 環境教育服務等方式,來推動學員的社區意識。 三、生態社學員參與學習生態課程後,能促發對環境的覺知,累積對社區環境的情感及共同參與社區事 務,並產生社區環境的意識。 四、曾文社區大學生態研習社由於社團老師秉持在地社區環境教育的行動學習理念、透過循序漸進的學用 合一、同儕團體共識、並能掌握學員經驗與興趣等內在因素,有效促進社團推動學員社區意識之養 成。 五、曾文社區大學生態研習社由於社大行政人員重視學員公共領域之開拓,整合相關資源設備,提昇學習 視野,導引社區服務行動之實踐,促成社團培養社區意識之外在促進因素。 六、曾文社區大學生態研習社學員角色任務多元身兼數職,個人時間、經歷、個性及缺乏自信,造成培養 社區意識的個人阻礙因素。 七、曾文社區大學生態研習社學員因社區硬體設備不足,組織機構沒有周延詳盡的規劃,活動流於形式, 居民無參與權等,導致對社區缺乏向心力,形成學員培養社區意識的社區阻礙因素。 八、曾文社區大學生態研習社藉由靈活的教學,良好的師生互動及學員情誼深厚,課程內容生動有趣具有 服務意義,促成學員繼續學習的動力。 九、曾文社區大學生態研習社目前有經費不足、學員人數過多,重複踏察課程設計有待改善之困境。 十、生態社推動自主性社團學員面臨能力不足、學習時間與熱誠侷限,導致學習壓力倍增,恐有解散之虞 的困境。


The study of the process on promoting community consciousness of students after participating in association activity curriculum of community university via the case study and qualitative research is established by observing courses, recording activities, and the semi-structured interview comprised composed of nine participants, association teachers and executives of the community university. The goals of the study are as follows: I.Investigate learning motivation of the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University. II.Analyze the influential factors of promoting students’ community consciousness of the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University. III.Discuss the development of students’ community consciousness of the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University, inclusive of other positive and negative factors. IV.Explore why students want to keep learning and how to solve the difficulties of the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University. According to the data analysis, findings of the study are as follows: 1.The main learning motivations of students at the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University are personal interests and thirst for knowledge. Compare with this result, the ratio of participating in community service is lower. This finding is obviously against the idea of the club. 2.The ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University has promoted students’ community consciousness by adopting flexible teachings, plans of diversified curriculums, ecological surveys of the community or community environmental education services and so on. 3.After students of the ecological association participate in the ecological activities, they are triggered to be aware of environment, showing emotion to community, cooperating in community affairs and generating awareness to community environment. 4.Promoting effectively students ’community consciousness is achieved by association teachers’ idea of action learning on community environmental education, a step-by-step unity of learning and doing, common sense of the peer group and by understanding students’ interests and inward factors. 5.The ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University is led to cultivate community consciousness in a positive thrust due to executives’ emphasis on exploring the public domain for students, integration of related resources and facilities, enhancement of learning perspective, practice of guiding community service action and promotion of cultivating community consciousness. 6.Diversities of personal time, experience and character cause a personal negative thrust of cultivating community consciousness for students of the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University. 7.Negative community consciousness for students of the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University is increased by lack of community hardware and centripetal force to the community, no well-planned organization, activities in a mere formality, no rights to participate for residents and so on. 8.Making use of flexible teaching, good interaction between teachers and students, interesting contents of curriculums and volunteer service contributed the ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University to eagerly learn more. 9.The ecological association at Tseng Wen District Community University needs to have improvement on difficulty such as inadequate funding, excessive numbers of students and a repeated curriculum design on exploring. 10.The students of the ecological association who are promoting self- independence could let their learning under pressure and the ecological club even be dismissed one day due to limited capability, short of learning time and insufficient enthusiasm.




