  • 學位論文

開放陸資來台對房地產投資之政治經濟分析 -以嘉義縣市為例

Political and Economic Analysis on the Policy of Allowing Mainland Chinese Investors to Invest the Real Estate in Taiwan -Taking Chiayi for Example

指導教授 : 宋學文


1980年代末期,我國政府開放人民赴大陸探親,兩岸開始談判,兩岸關係開始快速的發展,但由於長久以來,臺灣資金、技術及人員等資源向大陸單向傾斜流動現象,不僅造成台灣資金大量外流,也讓兩岸產業資源之配置及流通受阻。馬英九總統就任後,鬆綁陸資來臺從事事業投資之限制,為兩岸經貿關係正常化樹立新的里程碑。 以經濟因素對房地產的影響來看,目前兩岸於99年6月29日已簽署「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(ECFA),目前正積極進行協議內容後續相關執行細節之協議,如果順利依我方的需求達成共識實施,究對臺灣總體經濟成長的力道影響大或小,對房地產市場是否有持續加分的效果,此議題頗令人感到興趣。本文研究認為,開放陸資來臺後,雖有政策面支持,但第一階段開放項目少,陸企獲利空間受限,使得投資腳步停滯不前。未來台灣若能善用ECFA所帶來的商機,對於吸引陸資來臺將有正面效益,同時,參酌陸資來臺開放情況以及國內相關研究,慎重考量陸資在臺灣中長期的經建計畫的角色,再據以擴大可投資業別。政府若能持續因應國內情況,採取當前階段性最佳開放陸資來臺投資的方式,可使臺灣將陸資來臺投資,轉化為臺灣經濟發展的正面動力,並提高僑外資來臺灣投資的誘因,藉由吸引對外投資達到促進臺灣經濟成長的目的。 本研究另利用「(3+1)i決策模型」與「層次分析」理論的融合探討開放陸資來臺投資政策與臺灣房地產市場,並對嘉義縣市未來的房地場市場規劃做出建議。


In the late 1980’s, our government lifted ban on the restrictions for people to visit their relatives in mainland China. The both sides of the Straits started to negotiate and the relationship improved fast. As a result; however, Taiwan’s resources, such as fund, technology, and personnel flowed to mainland China in one way, which not only caused massive fund loss but industry circulation and disposition blocks. After President Ma took office in 2007, Taiwan started to accept the investment applications from mainland China, which set up a milestone on economic relationship normalization between the Straits. Viewing from economic factor’s influence on real estate: presently, both sides of the Strait have signed “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA)” on June 29, 2010, and now both sides are doing the agreement on the follow-up relevant execution details enthusiastically; if the common consensus is reached in accordance with the demands of our side smoothly and is implemented, after all, the effect on Taiwan’s overall economic growth would be great or slight, and if it would have an effect of continuous bonus point on real estate market is an interesting issue. This study believes that the investment items at the first stage were so few that benefits are limited for the mainland China investors even with support of the Taiwan government’s open policy. If Taiwan can make good use of the opportunities ECFA brings, the positive effects on attraction of mainland China investments will be created in the future. At the same time, we need to mull the roles of those investments play for Taiwan’s economic construction in the medium and long-term and expansion of investments industries referring to the results of the open policy. If our government continues to adopt the best practices on mainland China investment policy for the time being in accordance to domestic situation, we may transfer mainland China investments to positive energy for Taiwan’s economic development, create incentives for foreign investments and explore opportunities in other countries so as to achieve the goal of promotion of Taiwan’s economic growth. In the other hand, we study the policy of mainland China investments and real estate market in Taiwan by combining the theory of levels of analysis and (3+1)i-decision making model and suggest good plans of Urban renewal in Chiayi.


張金鶚著,房地產投資與市場分析:理論與實務 (台北:華泰文化事業股份有限公司,2003年)。
