  • 學位論文

立法院在我國大陸政策制訂之監督機制角色研究: 以ECFA為例

Research of the Legislative Yuan in the oversight mechanisms role of Mainland China’s policy: Take an example ECFA

指導教授 : 宋學文


兩岸經濟合作架構協議 ( Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA ),於2010 年6 月26 日雙方簽署,並經立法院審議後於同年9 月12 日正 式生效。然此項協議之後,所要直接面臨的便是如何落實於國內的問題,而前提 關鍵就是立法院如何監督繼而補充相關政策及建議。 本篇論文主要可分為三個部分:除介紹ECFA 內容及性質外;並分別述及 3i 模型理論及該政策過程分析,不僅論述立法院審議之爭議,對於未來ECFA 成 效、影響及發展,多有彙整研究。再者,立法院對兩岸經貿協商之監督角色、職 權概論予以介紹,並建議可行機制。最後,係有關「美國制度與歐洲制度運作經 驗介紹」,以分析探討臺灣所面臨之挑戰及援用國外經驗之可行。 回顧ECFA 一年來的成效,臺灣內部仍對兩岸關係存著高度政治疑慮,ECFA 之定位雖未明,然性質上應屬FTA 一種;依照憲法及司法實務看法,國會似可 「比照條約案」或是當成「國家其他重要事項」來處理,然如何強化國會在兩岸 事務的監督權力,此涉外協定的監督,本文可提供另一思考面向。


ECFA 大陸政策 立法院 國會監督


Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) is signed by the Cross-strait two governments - Taiwan and China on June 26, 2010, and deliberated into effect by the Legislative Yuan on September 12 of the same year. After this agreement, Taiwan directly face how to implement on domestic, but the premise key is how the Legislative Yuan to supervise and supplement policies. This thesis can be divided into three parts: In addition to the content and the introduction of ECFA; it is mentioned and analyzed the “3i model theory” and the policy process. I discuss the controversy of the Legislative Yuan for deliberation, ECFA effectiveness, impact and the development of multi-compiled research. Furthermore, the Legislative Yuan of the supervisory role of the cross-strait economic and trade negotiation terms are introduced and suggested. Finally, I introduce American system and the European system of operational experience, and analysis to explore Taiwan challenges and foreign experience feasibility. To review the ECFA effectiveness of the past year, Taiwan still kept high degree of political concerns about strait relations. Although the ECFA position is not clear, the nature should be FTA in one kind; in accordance with the Constitution and judicial practice, Congress may treat it as the treaty text or other country important matters to deal with, and then how to strengthen the supervisory powers of the Congress in the cross-strait affairs and foreign agreements, this article may provide another thought direction.


