  • 學位論文


The Development of Community Policies and Community Work In Taiwan - A Dilemmas between Market Logic and Voluntary Action

指導教授 : 張世雄


本研究探討1990後台灣社區工作與社區政策,從新管理主義到新治理階段的市場化衝擊之下,對社區自願行動所產生的矛盾。因此呈現國家和社區在政策規範與行政結構上關係的轉變。並使用兩個社區證明和分析。 台灣的社區工作從1965年歷經近三十年的社區發展後,先後有社區營造的興起和競爭,再有社區照顧的福利社區化倡導與推動。另一方面,英美國家1980年代初期出現的新管理主義思維,則透過政府再造和公共工程契約外包的策略,逐步被應用到福利服務,強調國家結合民間的力量,福利服務委外的方式。此種著重經濟、效率、效益(3E)的優先考量,自1990年開始影響社區工作的發展。 2000年後在新治理思維下國家強調夥伴關係,社區政策重新被重視,發展多樣化的社區政策,但同時國家的執行方式仍然不脫離市場的影子。使得我們對社區美好的想像與現實之間形成一段差距。 文末論述大安溪部落和奇岩社區的故事為案例分析,探討社區的治理架構和國家之間的關係。兩個案例同樣面對國家的社區政策,但是社區本身的條件及面對的問題是不相同的,雖然最後都同樣以社區產業成為自主性的選擇方式之一。案例的共同性是顯現國家建構社區政策卻忽略了建構美好社會中的社區自願行動的可能性及市場介入的極限。最後再回到台灣社區工作整體的政策制度上,省思台灣的社區工作與社區政策的發展與挑戰。 關鍵字:社區工作、新管理主義、新治理


In contrast to visionary nature of voluntary action in “the search of community”, community policies and community work in Taiwan have been under attacked by marketization since the early 1990s, in the name of New Managerialism at first and New Governance later. Transformation of the relationship between State and Communities accordingly, regulatory policy and administrative structure in particular, is documented and analyzed with a comparative study of two selected communities. Taiwan’s Community work has been developing for 30 years since 1965. There were the rising of community empowerment and competition at the beginning, and the welfare communitation advocacy and promotion of the community care after. On the other hand, New Managerialism that appeared in Europe and American countries in early 1980s had been applied to the welfare services through government reforming and Public Works contracting out. The combination of the national public force and the private sector welfare services, the formation of the welfare services contracting out. New Managerialism focus on economy, efficiency and effectiveness, called “3E”, has influenced on the community work since 1990s. Nations put emphasis on the partnership after 2000 under the new managing thinking. The community policy has been paid attention to again. Although the target is to develop various community policies, the way that nations execute could never get rid of the influence of the market. In this way, there is a gap between our wonderful imagination of the community and the crucial reality. This thesis summarizes the stories of the Ta-an River tribes and Chi-Yen community, to discuss the relationship between the governance structure of the community and the nation. Two cases facing the same national community policies, but the conditions and the problems of the community itself are different, although the community industries finally become one of the autonomy choices. The commonality of the cases is to reveal that while the community policy were enacted, the possibility of community voluntary action in constructing a good society and market intervention limit were neglected. Finally, after returning to the overall policy of the Taiwan community work institutionally, this study reflects on the development and challenges of community work and community policy. Keywords: Community Work, New Managerialism, New Governance


李易駿、陳靜宜(2010)隱而未見的代價: 臺灣社會工作短期契約僱用探析。臺
