  • 學位論文

The Effects of The Role of Money and Individualism on Consumer Ethics: An Exploratory Study in Mongolia

The Effects of The Role of Money and Individualism on Consumer Ethics: An Exploratory Study in Mongolia

指導教授 : 盧龍泉


Growing economy and business environments lead to changes of consumer interests, demands, acquisitions and many other concepts of business. Consequently, comprehensive researches on consumer behavior and ethical beliefs enhance marketing strategies, revealing great opportunities for business, especially in Mongolia, a country that lacks previous researches on consumer ethics. In order to understand Mongolian consumer ethical beliefs and behavior as well as ways how culture dimensions and personality characteristics influence consumer ethical beliefs, this study has three major purposes as follows: first, to analyze, to understand, and to explore Mongolian consumer ethical beliefs; second, to investigate relationships between personality characteristics considering the “role of money” and consumer ethical beliefs in Mongolia; third, to investigate relationships between cultural dimensions of binaries “individualism” and “consumer ethical beliefs” in Mongolia. The current research was conducted on the basis CES and MES. In addition, the research specifically uses structural equation modeling to investigate the impact of the role of money and individualism on consumer ethical beliefs. Although, the respondents of survey 320 Mongolian consumers, and most of respondents were female (54.06%) and between age 18 ~ 35 (73.75%). The present study results shows the role of money and individualism were significant related to consumer ethical beliefs, and Mongolian consumers with high the role of money. Therefore, some important implications for marketing management and marketing strategy derived from the results. The current study examined a single country; the results should benefit managers and marketers in understanding ethical beliefs of Mongolian consumers. Marketers should be able to identify and determine consumers according to their levels of ethical beliefs and to perform efficient strategies for each segment.


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