  • 學位論文


The effect of autobiographical memory retrieval on ad attitude, brand evaluation and purchase intent

指導教授 : 林淑芳


本文嘗試驗證Sujan、Bettman與Baumgartner (1993) 的研究,探討是否提取自傳式記憶式的廣告,會影響觀眾對廣告的態度。換言之,本研究欲觀察是否在廣告中置入提取自傳式記憶提取詞,會影響受試者之廣告評價。本研究使用單因子實驗設計,共78位實驗參與者,採隨機分組的方式將參與者分派至各組別。研究結果顯示:使用正面提取詞促發受試者的自傳式記憶,受試者會 (1) 浮現更多關於個人的過往記憶;(2) 出現較多正面情感;(3) 增進廣告態度、品牌評價與購買意圖;(4) 降低和產品相關的想法,以及 (5) 對產品特色回憶的正確性。研究結果與Sujan、Bettman與Baumgartner (1993) 一致,更進能補充自傳式記憶廣告對於產品相關想法的相關研究。


This research attempts to verify the study of Sujan, Bettman and Baumgartner (1993). To explore whether the type of advertising of autobiographical memories can affect consumers' ad attitudes. In other words, the research is trying to use autobiographical memory retrieval words, to observe whether subjects can have more autobiographical memories and more good advertising evaluations. This research used a single-factor experimental design. There were seventy-eight subjects participated in this experiment. Subjects were randomly assigned to conditions. The result indicates that when the advertising uses positive autobiographical memory retrieval words, subjects will (1) have more personal memories; (2) more positive affect; (3) higher levels of ad attitude, brand evaluation and purchase intent; (4) fewer thoughts about the product; and (5) reduced the correct recall of the product's features. The results provided support for Sujan et al. (1993).


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