  • 學位論文

新住民族群女性自我導向學習準備度與 家庭關係和諧度之相關研究

指導教授 : 黃錦山


本研究主要在探討臺南市其孩子就讀國小之越南籍、大陸籍(含港澳)的新住民族群女性,在自我導向學習準備度及家庭關係和諧度之關連及現況。研究工具為自編之「自我導向學習準備度分量表」及「家庭關係和諧度分量表」,佐以個人背景變項量表。本研究有效樣本數共計393位,研究結果與結論分述如下: 一、受試者原國籍教育程度依序為「國中」、「高中職」,夫妻收入依序為「三萬元以下」、「三-六萬元」,配偶職業依序為「工」、「打零工」,顯示受試者原國籍教育程度及收入遠低於臺灣均值,其配偶大多從事勞力密集的工作。 二、自我導向學習準備度分為五個構面,得分高低依序為「融入學習」、「獨立學習」、「喜愛學習」、「創造學習」、「主動學習」;家庭關係和諧度分為五個構面,得分高低依序為「親子支持」、「肯定支持」、「配偶支持」、「工作支持」、「公婆支持」。 三、 受試者之自我導向學習準備度整體量表以中等程度之自我導向學習者居多,各構面以「融入學習」得分最高;「主動學習」得分最低。受試者背景變項之年齡、原國籍教育程度、配偶職業、子女總數於整體量表及部分構面達顯著差異。 四、 受試者之家庭關係和諧度整體量表以中等程度之家庭關係和諧者居多,各構面以「親子支持」得分最高;「婆媳支持」得分最低,且差異性大。受試者背景變項之年齡、國籍、原國籍教育程度、女兒有無、配偶職業於整體量表及部分構面達顯著差異。 五、 受試者之自我導向學習準備度與家庭關係和諧度整體及各構面呈現中度或低度正相關。自我導向學習準備度整體及五個構面與家庭關係和諧度整體及五個構面部分存在顯著的預測性。 根據上述研究結果,提出以下建議: 一、 對中央及地方主管機關:整體考量,成立新住民委員會整合相關事宜;訂定新住民教育政策白皮書;編制多元文化教材融進義務教育。 二、 對新住民族群女性及其家庭成員:彼此多給予尊重、肯定與關懷,積極參與在地化的成人學習機構與社區活動。


This study aimed to explore the connections and the present status of self-directed learning readiness and harmony of family relationships among female immigrants. The participants, who were from Vietnam and China (including Hong Kong and Macao), studied in an elementary school located in Tainan City. Research tools, aided with personal background variables, were self-made “ Self-directed Learning Readiness Subscale” and “Harmony Subscale of Family Relationships”. There were three hundred ninety-three participants in this study. And the findings are as follows: 1. The degree of self-directed learning readiness, arranged in scoring order, was divided into five dimensions : (1) integrative learning; (2) independent learning; (3) fun learning; (4) creative learning; and (5) active learning. Additionally, the degree of harmony of family relationships, followed as the previous order, was also classified into five factors: (1) support from children; (2) supprt with recognition; (3) support from spouses; (4) support from work; and (5) support from parents-in-law. 2. The result showed the middle degree self-directed learners constituted the majority in self-directed learning readiness overall scale, and the high degree self-directed learners occupied a major portion and got the highest mark in the dimension of independent learning. In addition, the middle degree self-directed learners accounted for the majority and got the highest score in the dimension of active learning. The variables of participants’ ages, original education backgrounds, spouses’ jobs, and the number of children had great influence on the overall scale and some parts of the dimensions. 3. The result indicated the middle degree harmony of family relationships outnumbered the others in harmony overall scale of family relationships, and high degree harmony of family relationships exceeded the others and got the highest scores in the factor of support from children.On the contrary, the low degree harmony of family relationships could be found in the factor of support from parents-in-law. The variables of participants’ ages, nationalities, original education backgrounds, the number of children, and spouses’ jobs are significantly correlated with the overall scale and some parts of the factors. 4. The participants’ self-directed learning readiness had low or moderate positive correlation with harmony of family relationships integrally and dimensionally. However, there was a significant predictability between the five dimensions of the entire self-directed learning readiness and the five factors of the entire harmony of family relationships. Based on the findings, some suggestions are as follows: 1. As to central and local authorities, suggestions are: (a) setting new immigrant’s white paper on educatinal policies; (b) promoting new immigrant’s mother language teaching; and (c) integrating committees of new immigrants. 2. As to new immigrant families, suggestions are: (a) giving more respect, recognition, and care to each other; and (b) participating in local adult learning institutions and community activities.




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