  • 學位論文


The Challenges of U.S. Return to Asia to the Rise of China

指導教授 : 陳亮智


摘要 中國崛起受到世界的矚目,不論在經濟上、軍事上或外交上,都深深影響著全球。中國也逐漸的在影響著亞洲地區的區域秩序,近年來的南海問題、釣魚台糾紛,也讓亞洲局勢越趨緊張。而中國強大的經濟市場讓世界各國趨之若鶩;但上升的軍事力量讓亞洲國家深感威脅,不論正面或負面影響,中國的崛起帶來了美國重返亞洲的戰略政策。 中國的崛起對美國的全球戰略是帶來衝擊的,而美國重返亞洲的目標之一,便是透過與亞太地區盟邦的合作,進一步去制衡中國逐漸上升的力量,一方面也為了開拓亞太市場,提振美國的國內經濟。 本文先探討中國崛起的事實,從經濟、軍事、外交上去論證中國崛起。接著去觀察美國重返亞洲的戰略佈局,從美國與亞太國家的同盟關係、軍事佈署以及經濟合作上,了解美國的亞太戰略。最後探討美國重返亞洲對中國崛起帶來的影響,就經濟、軍事、意識形態三方面來做討論。 關鍵字:中國崛起、美國重返亞洲、亞太戰略


Abstract The rise of China has drawn attention from the globe, because economically, militarily and diplomatically, China are deeply affecting the world. China is gradually affecting the regional order in Asia. In recent years, the South China Sea issue and Diaoyutai dispute make the Asian situation more tensely. The Chinese market is so powerful that countries all over the world want to have economic ties with China, however, rising military power also makes Asian countries feel deeply threatened. Whether the impact is positive or negative, China's rise has caused the United States' strategic policy to return to Asia. China's rise has an impact on the U.S. global strategy, and one of the goals of the United States to return to Asia is ,by way of cooperation with Asia-Pacific allies, to further counter-balance the China’s gradual rising power. On the other hand, the development of Asia Pacific market can also boost the U.S. domestic economy. Firstly, this article discusses the fact of the rise of China and gives the evidence of the rise of China economically, militarily and diplomatically. Secondly, to observe the strategic layout of the United States’ return to Asia, from the U.S. alliance relations with Asia-Pacific countries, military deployment as well as economic cooperation, to understand the U.S. Asia-Pacific strategy. Finally, we discuss the impact, brought by United States’ return to Asia, on the rise of China economically, militarily and ideologically. Keyword: The rise of China, the United States’ return to Asia, Asia-Pacific strategy.


宋鎮照,「南海風雲再起 充滿詭譎與火藥味-解析中國和越、菲的南海衝突與美國角色」,海峽評論,第248期(2011年8月),頁24-29。
