  • 學位論文

中高齡者家庭資源與生活滿意度 關係之研究─世代差異分析

指導教授 : 李雅慧


本研究旨在瞭解不同世代的中高齡者家庭資源與生活滿意度之關係,先從不同背景變項與家庭資源、生活滿意度之差異著手分析,進而探討兩者之相關後,將主要發現與結論做成建議,供未來退休準備、推行老化教育方案之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採用次級資料庫分析,以2007年「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查問卷」之部分選項作為研究工具,以年滿54歲以上,設籍於台灣地區331 個帄地鄉鎮之老人為研究對象,本研究之有效樣本共計3651位,將資料經描述統計、卡方檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、斯皮爾曼等級相關與皮爾森積差相關進行統計分析後,獲致研究發現,並據此獲致七項研究結論〆 一、除了情感支持較高,不同世代中高齡者擁有的家庭資源屬中等程度。 二、嬰兒潮世代的生活滿意度高於傳統世代。 三、整體嬰兒潮世代自評健康狀況及教育程度較傳統世代高,但是在自評經濟狀況、網 絡支持方面,卻是傳統世代稍高於嬰兒潮世代。 四、嬰兒潮世代之男性情感支持高於傳統世代,而傳統世代之無偶者情感支持高於嬰兒 潮世代,但是不同世代之女性、有偶者與情感支持無顯著差異。 五、嬰兒潮世代與傳統世代的網絡支持皆偏低。 六、傳統世代在女性、有偶者的生活滿意度較嬰兒潮世代低。 七、不同世代中高齡者家庭資源與生活滿意度呈現正相關。


This research aims to study the relationship between family resources and life satisfaction in difference generation segments. The research is started by analyzing the differences and similarities family resources, and life satisfaction in different age groups. The findings and the conclusions will lead to the recommendations for the retirement planning and aging education. To achieve the above objective, this research uses secondary data. The research tool that is used by the few sections from ―2007 survey of health and Living status of the middle aged and elderly in Taiwan survey report‖. This survey is based o 3651 Taiwanese elderly residents who are 54 or older, across 331 towns and villages. After statistical analyzing this survey with descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, independent-sample T Test, Spearman rank correlation coefficient, and Pearson’s product-moment correlation, seven conclusions have been found: (1) Besides having a stronger emotional support, the elder age group’s family resource is in a medium level comparing with other groups. (2) Baby boomers have a higher life satisfaction than the generation of traditionalists. (3) In general, baby boomers have self-rated their health conditions and education levels higher than traditionalist; however, traditionalists have self-rated their financial conditions and networking conditions better than baby boomers. (4) Baby boomers’ male emotional support is higher than traditional generation. IV Traditionalists who are single, have a higher emotional support than baby boomers. Nonetheless, females that are not single have a very similar emotional support across different generations. (5) Baby boomers and traditionalists both have a below average networking support. (6) Females, who are from traditional generation and not single, have a lower life satisfaction than females from baby boomer generation. (7) Comparing with different age groups, the elder group’s family resources directly affect their life satisfactions.


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