  • 學位論文


A Study of Grandparents’Cognition of and Needs for Ageing Learning: From the Perspectives of Active Ageing

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


本研究旨在探討南投縣公立國小學童祖父母對活躍老化學習的重要性認知及需求程度及其相關情形之研究。主要研究目的有下列六點: 一、了解祖父母對活躍老化學習認知情形。 二、了解祖父母背景變項不同,對活躍老化學習認知的差異。 三、了解祖父母對活躍老化學習需求自我評估。 四、了解祖父母背景變項不同,對活躍老化學習需求自我評估的差異。 五、了解祖父母活躍老化學習認知及學習需求之關係。 六、研究結果,提供未來對於辦理祖父母活躍老化終身學習之參考。 本研究採取問卷調查法,以「我對於活躍老化學習的認知與需求之評估」問卷為研究工具,並以南投縣公立國小學童祖父母為對象。本研究問卷共轉發769份,經回收有效問卷561份進行分析,統計分析之方法為描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關等。本研究歸納成結論如下: 一、祖父母的教育程度偏低,整體參與學習比例也偏低。 二、祖父母活躍老化學習目標重要性認知評定屬於中上程度, 以「為了要學習新知」為最重要,其次為「為了產生行動,並且繼續學習」,最後為「為了產生行動力,能知行合一」。 三、祖父母活躍老化學習重要性認知與學習需求評定屬於中上程度,以「生活安全」為最重要,且與「運動保健」一樣為最需要,「貢獻服務」為最不重要。 四、祖父母認為學習主題重要性評定以「居家安全」、「用藥安全」、「預防詐騙」、「健康知識」、「活化記憶力」、「學習正向思考」、「家人相處」及「親友照顧」為最重要。 五、祖父母認為學習主題學習需求評定以「用藥安全」、「健康知識」、「保健資源」、「睡眠品質」、「活化記憶力」、「學習正向思考」、「家人相處」及「親友照顧」為最需要。 六、活躍老化學習課程規劃設計須符合祖父母的學習需求外,更要提供較高層次的學習需求。 七、祖父母在活躍老化學習重要性認知與學習需求偏高,且重要性認知高的祖父母需求度也高,但在整體參與活躍老化學習比例卻偏低。 八、祖父母為女性或54歲(含)以下或大學/專科(含)以上畢業或過去半年參與學習時數(11小時以上)者認為活躍老化學習是最重要與最需要。 九、「教育程度」及「過去半年參與學習時數」等個人背景因素影響祖父母活躍老化學習目標與活躍老化學習的重要性認知評定。 十、「性別」及「過去半年參與學習時數」等個人背景因素影響祖父母對活躍老化學習需求評定。 十一、祖父母對活躍老化學習重要性認知評定與需求評定有顯著正相關。 依據上述研究結論,分別對教育主管機關單位、辦理祖父母終身學習機構及未來研究提出建議,以供參考。


祖父母 活躍老化 老化學習


This study aims to investigate the public primary school students’ grandparents’ cognition of the importance of ageing learning, the extent to which they need the program of ageing learning in Nantou County as well as other related research. The main purposes of the study are as follows: 1.To understand the grandparents’ cognition of active ageing learning. 2.To understand how the grandparents’ cognition of active ageing learning varies with their backgrounds of life. 3.To understand the grandparents’ self-evaluation of active ageing learning. 4.To understand how the grandparents’ self-evaluation of active ageing learning varies with the grandparents of different backgrounds. 5. To understand the relationship between the grandparents’ cognition of active ageing learning and their needs for learning. 6. The result might be used as reference for the authorities for the management of grandparents’ lifelong learning. The research uses questionnaire survey method. “My Cognition of and Needs towards Active Ageing Learning Questionnaire” is used, and the participants for this study were the public primary school students’ grandparents in Nantou County. 769 copies of the questionnarie had been issued and 561 participants completed the present investigation. This study uses descriptive statistics analysis, t test, single factor variance analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and etc. The conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. The lower the grandparents’education levels, the lower percentage of overall attendance in group learning. 2. The grandparents’ cognition of active ageing learning is evaluated as upper middle. “ Learning new knowledge” is the most important, followed by “taking action so as to keep participating in active ageing learning” and then “taking actions and the co-operation of understanding and behaviour”. 3. The grandparents’ cognition of the importance of active ageing learning and the needs for learning are evaluated as upper middle. “The safe settings of daily life” as well as “exercise prescription” are the most important, while “contributions and services” are the least important. 4. The grandparents perceive that “home care”, “drug use safety”, fraud prevention”, “ health knowledge”, “activating memory”, “positive thinking”, “getting along with family members”, and “being looked after by relatives and friends” are the most significant and important dimensions in terms of theme-based learning. 5. The grandparents perceive that “drug use safety”, “health knowledge”, “resources of health care”, “sleep quality,” “activating memory”, “positive thinking”, “getting along with family members”, and “being looked after by relatives and friends” are the most critical and important themes in terms of evaluating the needs for theme-based learning. 6. The curriculum design in activing ageing learning should not only meet the grandparents’ needs for learning but also ignite their motivation for advanced learning. 7. The grandparents score high in cognition of and needs for active ageing learning; however, the percentage of the grandparents taking part in active ageing learning is low. 8. Those who (1) are grandmothers or under the age of 54, (2) graduated from college or junior college or (3) participated in active ageing learning for more than 11 hours in the past 6 months perceive that active ageing learning is the most important and needed. 9. Such personal background as “level of education” and “the hours for participating in group learning in the last six months” affects the grandparents’ evaluation of the significance of the goals for active ageing learning. 10. “Gender” and “the hours for participating in group learning in the last six months” affect the grandparents’ evaluation of the needs for active ageing learning. 11. There is significant positive correlation between the grandparents’ cognition of the importance of active ageing learning and needs for such learning. According to the conclusion mentioned above , this research aimed to provide suggestions for managers of educational administration institutions, the authorities for the management of grandparents’ lifelong learning and further studies in this field.


grandparents active ageing ageing learning




