  • 學位論文

消費者線上衝動性購買行為之研究: 以遊戲虛擬商品為例

Consumers' Online Impulse Buying Behavior : Regarding the game of virtual goods

指導教授 : 廖則竣


隨著資訊科技的發展與進步,網際網路已經成為生活中一個不可或缺的角色,消費者利用網際網路進行各種活動。線上遊戲已成為台灣人日常娛樂的選擇之一,而免費制線上遊戲透過販售各式虛擬商品吸引消費者購買使用,因此瞭解何種因素會促使消費者衝動性購買虛擬商品為本研究主旨,本研究目的在於使用環境心理學的模式為架構基礎,並結合知覺價值 (Perceived Value),深入地了解各種消費價值與消費者情緒的關係,及正向情緒對衝動性購買的影響。 本研究採用網路問卷調查,調查方式為使用過免費制線上遊戲的消費者,回收906份有效問卷,使用smartPLS 2.0結構方程模式來驗證本研究個變數之間的因果關係。研究結果顯示角色競爭力價值、美學價值、玩樂價值與社會價值對於消費者情緒有顯著正向的影響,其中又以美學價值影響較大,而金錢價值對於消費者情緒則沒有顯著影響,並且情緒反應對衝動性購買行為皆有正向的影響。期望本研究結果能夠在線上衝動性購買方面提供學術與實務方面一些參考方向與建議。


With the development and progress of information technology, the Internet has become an indispensable role in life, consumers use the Internet for various activities. Online games have become one of the daily entertainment choices in Taiwan. The free online game made by selling virtual goods to attract consumers to buy all kinds of use. Therefore, the study of the subject is to understand what factors will encourage impulse buying virtual goods. Study aims to use environmental psychology model based architecture, combined with perceived value, in-depth understanding of a variety of consumer values and the relationship between consumer sentiment and positive emotional impact on impulse buying. The model was tested using survey data from 906 customers who play online games. Our results showed significant effects of character competency value, aesthetic value, playfulness value and social value, mediated by consumers’ emotions. The results of this study can be expected to impulse buying online provides academic and practical aspects of some of the reference direction and suggestions.


impulse buying virtual goods perceived value


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